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Morrowind talk:Weakness to Element

in conjunction for 1 second questionEdit

Looking at this statement: "When weakness is used in conjunction with an effect that does damage over several seconds, the weakness only needs a duration of 1 to allow the damage to take effect."
Is this describing a hypothetical single spell with both effects? If so, does it matter what order they're in, ie 1st weakness to X type for 1 second, then 2nd X type damage for T seconds? Would it work in reverse order?
If we were to add a third effect, weakness to magicka for 1s, would it act as a multiplier for the weakness to X element effect? If so, should the weakness to magicka effect be positioned before or after weakness to X element? Chill fridge (talk) 22:51, 17 June 2023 (UTC)
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