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Morrowind talk:Telasero

Locked DoorEdit

There is a locked wooden door on a surface structure which won't unlock, even from the console. 16:06, 30 March 2022 (UTC)

Checking in the Construction Set, I can't find any evidence of such a door being present. There are only two doors on the exterior of Telasero, one leading to the Upper Level of the interior, the other leading to the Propylon Chamber; neither of these two doors is locked. Could you please provide additional details? Which surface structure are you referring to? Where is it located? Are you running any mods? Are you sure you're at Telasero? (Dumb question, I know, but it has happened...) Thanks for any additional details you can provide. — Wolfborn(Howl) 04:16, 31 March 2022 (UTC)
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