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Morrowind talk:Punibi Yahaz


Aside from being the only [[MW:Ashlanders|Ashlander]] on [[MW:Vvardenfell|Vvardenfell]] who is a Silt Strider caravaner, he has no relevance of any kind.

I don't remember anything that explicitly refers to him as an Ashlander nor was I able to find any confirmation on the wiki. He does have an Ashlander-sounding name but without any reliable references, it's subjective, unverified and possibly just speculation. I could try searching in the CS later but, in the meantime, moving it here. Salamangkero (talk) 16:35, 5 August 2024 (UTC)

I checked in the CS; there's nothing in his data record to indicate he's an Ashlander (he's not part of the Ashlander faction). I didn't check the dialogue, and it's been too long since I played Morrowind for me to remember, but there might be something in dialogue which refers to him as such. I did notice the other day that several (most? all?) names of Dunmer in Gnisis are listed under the "Ashlander Names" section of the Dunmer Names lore article (including Punibi), which raised an eyebrow since I don't recall anything in-game referring to the Dark Elf population of Gnisis as Ashlanders, but as I said there might be something in dialogue which I've forgotten. — Wolfborn(Howl) 19:26, 5 August 2024 (UTC)
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