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Morrowind talk:Berwen's Stalker

Journal Entry 1Edit

How do you get Journal Entry 1? I can't get it even though I never had the quest or even if I have the quest from the fighters guild. I assume you need to talk to Berwen since it states that she would like ME to get rid of it and I also assume you must not have the quest via the fighters guild.

Nevermind. I forgot I didn't accepted it when I didn't have the quest. Tried accepting it without the quest and sure enough, I got the journal entry. Sorry about that. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 08:59 on October 13, 2011

Will this skip the fighters guild quests?Edit

If I do this quest before I do any quests for the Sadrith Mora Fighers Guild, will this skip any quests before this one? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 18:26 on 14 May 2022 (UTC)

No. You can safely kill the corprus stalker and still receive all the quests before this one from Hrundi. However, you will need to go and talk to Berwen again after Hrundi gives you the quest in order to be able to close it. I've added notes to the article on these points. — Wolfborn(Howl) 22:35, 14 May 2022 (UTC)
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