Morrowind Mod talk:BSA Managers
Morrowind vs. OblivionEdit
I think that it's to be expected that unpackers for Oblivion BSA's would not work for Oblivion BSAs. This is generally true of all tools for Morrowind and Oblivion. Despite similarities in file formats between the two programs, I don't think that any tools work for both games. Hence I chopped the earlier note that mentioned that. --Wrye 22:38, 6 December 2006 (EST)
Mod Resource No Longer AvailableEdit
- (Moved from User talk:Daveh)
I just wanted to note that the "Tes3Mod:BSAPack" page states that there is still a Morrowind .bsa packing/unpacking utility available from Ghostwheel. However, either the link is broken or the page has been removed. This means that there is no longer any way to unpack and edit Morrowind's archive files. --Snakebyte 17:55, 6 February 2008 (EST)