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Morrowind Mod:Mod File Format/RACE

< Mod / Morrowind: Morrowind Mod: Modding: Mod File Format

RACE records contain information about races.

C Field Type/Size Info
+ NAME zstring Race ID string
- FNAM zstring Race name string
+ RADT struct
(140 bytes)
Race data
struct[7] - Skill bonuses
int32 - Skill ID (-1 for empty)
int32 - Bonus
uint32[8][2] = Attributes, (the first dimension being ordered by Attribute ID, as found on Morrowind:Attributes, and the second dimension by gender)
float32[2] = Height (one for each gender, as with Weight below)
float32[2] = Weight
uint32 = Flags
0x1 = Playable
0x2 = Beast Race
* NPCS char[32] Special power/ability name string
- DESC string Race description