LAND records contain information about the landscape of exterior cells. More specifically, it defines 65x65 arrays of vertex heights, normals, colors, and a smaller 16x16 array of textures. It also defines a 9x9 array of heights that the game can load to quickly build the world map.
C | Field | Type/Size | Info |
+ | INTV | struct (8 bytes) |
+ | DATA | uint32 | Data types included. If the relevant bit isn't set, the related fields will not be loaded, even if present.
- | VNML | struct (12,675 bytes) |
Vertex Normals. A 65×65 array of:
Note that the Y-direction of the data is from the bottom up. |
- | VHGT | struct (4,232 bytes) |
Height Data
- | WNAM | uint8[9][9] | Heights for world map. Derived from VHGT data. |
- | VCLR | struct (12,675 bytes) |
Vertex Colors. A 65×65 array of RGB (no alpha) values. |
- | VTEX | uint16[16][16] | Texture Indices. Each value corresponds to the Index (INTV) value from a LTEX record. |