CLOT records contain information about clothing.
C | Field | Type/Size | Info |
+ | NAME | zstring | ID |
+ | MODL | zstring | Model name |
- | FNAM | zstring | Name |
+ | CTDT | struct (12 bytes) |
Clothing data
- | SCRI | zstring | Script name |
- | ITEX | zstring | Icon filename |
* | INDX | uint8/uint32 (see note) |
Biped object (Note: The only field size currently in use is a uint8, but the internal coding allows for a uint32 here, using only the lowest byte of it. This may be from an earlier file format that's no longer used.)
string | Male clothing name (optional, but present in all base game files) | |
string | Female clothing name (optional, male clothing is used if not present) | |
- | ENAM | zstring | Enchantment name |