CELL records contain information about cells (both interior and exterior).
C | Field | Type/Size | Info |
+ | NAME | zstring | Cell Name. Unlike other NAME fields, this is the localized, human-readable name of the cell, not a language-agnostic ID string. Exterior regions are mostly empty strings; for these, the region name is used in the Construction Set. |
+ | DATA | struct (12 bytes) |
- | RGNN | zstring | Region name (exterior and like-exterior only) |
- | NAM5 | rgb | Map color (exterior and like-exterior only) |
- | WHGT | float32 | Water height (interior only) |
- | AMBI | struct (16 bytes) |
Ambient light
* | Moved Reference[] | Moved references | |
* | Form Reference[] | Persistent Children | |
- | NAM0 | uint32 | Count of Temporary Children |
* | Form Reference[] | Temporary Children | |
Moved Reference | |||
These only appear in mod files when creatures or NPCs are moved from one cell to another; they commonly appear in saved game files as things move around. | |||
+ | MVRF | uint32 | Reference ID (always the same as the attached FRMR value) |
- | CNAM | zstring | Name of the cell the reference was moved to (interior cells only) |
- | CNDT | struct (8 bytes) |
Coordinates of the cell the reference was moved to (exterior cells only)
- | Form Reference | Reference to the form that was moved | |
Form Reference | |||
References to objects in cells are listed as part of the cell data, each beginning with FRMR and NAME fields, followed by a list of fields specific to the object type. | |||
+ | FRMR | uint32 | Reference ID |
+ | NAME | zstring | Object ID or "PlayerSaveGame" |
- | UNAM | uint8 | Reference blocked (value is always 0; present if Blocked is set in the reference's record header, otherwise absent) |
- | XSCL | float32 | Reference's scale, if applicable and not 1.0 |
- | ANAM | zstring | NPC ID, if applicable (NPC-only) |
BNAM | zstring | Global variable name | |
- | CNAM | zstring | Faction ID (not light, NPC, or static) |
uint32 | Faction rank | |
- | XSOL | zstring | ID of soul in gem (soul gems only) |
- | XCHG | float32 | Enchantment charge (charged items with non-zero charges) |
- | INTV | depends on object type |
Remaining usage
- | NAM9 | uint32 | Value |
* | DODT | struct (24 bytes) |
Cell Travel Destination (Rotations are in radians)
zstring | Cell name for previous DODT, if interior | |
- | FLTV | uint32 | Lock difficulty |
- | KNAM | zstring | Key name |
- | TNAM | zstring | Trap name |
- | ZNAM | uint8 | Reference is disabled (always 0). Like UNAM, this will be emitted if the relevant flag is set in the reference's record header. This may only be possible via scripting. Also, even if present in the file, the field appears to be ignored on loading. |
- | DATA | struct (24 bytes) |
Reference position (Rotations are in radians)