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Morrowind:Rufinus Alleius

< Morrowind: People
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Quests: not written

Services: written by Forfeit (offers none)

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House Contents: written by Forfeit (none)

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Rufinus Alleius (Rufinus Alleius)
Home City Ebonheart
Location Imperial Commission
Race Imperial Gender Male
Level 19 Class Acrobat
Other Information
Health 159 Magicka 108
Alarm 0 Fight 30
Faction(s) Imperial Legion Agent(Agent)
Rufinus Alleius

Rufinus Alleius is an Imperial acrobat and an Agent in the Imperial Legion. He is located upstairs inside the Imperial Commission, Ebonheart. You can try to pickpocket Rufinus Alleius for the key to a secret room here.

Related QuestsEdit

Fighters GuildEdit

Imperial LegionEdit


Quest-Related DialogueEdit

Lord's MailEdit

Lord's Mail
"I have hunch, yes. Furius Acilius, who was banished from the Legion some time ago. He spoke of the armor before his leave, and of secret caves below the castle. Motive and opportunity; he seemed to have both. Ask about him at the Imperial Guard Garrison, he used to stay there."
Furius Acilius
"As I said, ask at the Imperial Guard Garrison."