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Morrowind:Hecerinde's House

< Morrowind: Places: Homes
Hecerinde's House
(view on map)
# of Zones 1
Console Location Code(s)
"Balmora, Hecerinde's House"
Balmora, [-3,-3]
Hecerinde's House

Hecerinde's House is a small one-room house in northeast Balmora, belonging to Hecerinde who can be found residing inside.

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Hecerinde and his bed

As you enter the house, to the right is a shelf with bottles, a red candle and a jug. Straight ahead is a table with three bottles, two goblets, two folded cloth, a red candle and a pitcher as well as a pair of chairs.

Hecerinde is standing next to his bed. In the corner, two flat sacks stacked up contain 10 saltrice, two other sacks contain 7 random ingredients and a cloth sack contains three random cheap food.

At the foot of the bed, a locked (20) chest contains three random common clothes, 5 gold, and one random special loot. On top of the chest are two bottles of shein and a total of 20 gold.