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Lore:Tracts Perilous

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A page from Mysterium Xarxes, a Tract Perilous
"Some such books contain concepts that cannot be reconciled with the mortal mind. The reader must surrender some or all of their sanity to comprehend what is written. In other cases, these forbidden books contain implicit bargains. To read one is to enter a pact with its author, and place yourself in the power of an unknown (and likely malevolent) intelligence." —On Tracts Perilous by Cipher Sethali[1]

Tracts Perilous are a class of book artifacts that harbor grave dangers for those brave enough to peruse their pages. Unlike many dangerous tomes prized for their potent contents, Tracts Perilous stand out for their capacity to inflict harm directly upon their readers. These perilous volumes manifest in diverse forms, each posing unique threats to those who dare to unravel their secrets. Some Tracts Perilous contain knowledge and concepts that surpass the limits of mortal comprehension. Readers may find themselves forced to sacrifice their sanity in order to grasp the intricacies of these forbidden texts. Other books of this nature may hold implicit bargains within their pages, enticing readers into pacts with unknown and potentially malevolent forces. In certain cases, the books themselves ensnare readers in dark enchantments, compelling them to carry out tasks or fulfill purposes they would never otherwise desire.[1]

Known Tracts PerilousEdit

Tracts Perilous are rare and often existing as singular volumes never replicated, remain enigmatic to scholars. While some are documented by the Ciphers of the Eye, others likely exist, their details and locations evading even the most learned minds. Among the Tracts Perilous documented by the Ciphers of the Eye are writings authored by various individuals, attributed to or influenced by Daedric Princes like Hermaeus Mora and Mehrunes Dagon,[1][2] as well as Aedra such as Xarxes.[1][3] These include the Mysterium Xarxes, Numinous Grimoire, Oghma Infinium, and all the Black Books.[1][4]

Black BooksEdit

Page of a Black Book

Black Books are Daedric artifacts created by Hermaeus Mora, the Daedric Prince of Fate and Knowledge. Each book contains some manner of forbidden knowledge. Neloth claims that no one actually knows where they came from, though the materials for their creation are prepared within a bindery in Apocrypha known as Quires Wind, before being presented to the prince to pen and complete. Some books are from the ancient past; some are from the future, as time appears to be more malleable for the Daedric Prince of fate and destiny. The thick tomes are bound in black covers, with a symbol representing Mora on the front, and emit a black mist. The books are written with Seeker ink that takes ten years to brew, on paper pressed from trees that have never seen the sun. The covers are derived from Lurker leather, and the threads used to bind the tomes together come from silk originating from the Spiral Skein. All Black Books were regarded as Tracts Perilous due to the hazards they could impose on their readers.

A number of Black Books were spread across Tamriel by Mora, and are usually located in the depths of ancient dungeons. The exact number of Black Books is unknown to everyone except for the Daedric Prince of Knowledge himself. Within every Black Book lies a forbidden secret, serving as a tantalizing temptation or reward for mortals whom Hermaeus Mora, the Great Eye, favors.

Black Books are not to be confused with the tomes of arcanists, though Hermaeus Mora himself compared their two powers, with both being knowledge he supposedly allows into Nirn. They can be compared to the Oghma Infinium, another tome of knowledge created by Mora.

Black books serve as the doorways to the Mora's realm. Through reading a Black Book, the reader will enter Apocrypha, the realm of Oblivion created and ruled over by Hermaeus Mora. Tentacles will emerge from the tome and envelop the reader. An apparition of the reader's body remains in Mundus, tethering their life force. Most mortals who read a Black Book are driven insane, but those who successfully journey through Apocrypha are known to discover powerful knowledge. Dying in Apocrypha while reading a Black Book may simply banish the reader back to Tamriel. Rereading a book will return the reader to the same area of Apocrypha, allowing them to attempt Mora's gauntlets again or harness the power of a different piece of knowledge. Copies of the contents of Black Books can be made without entering Apocrypha.

Known Black BooksEdit

Mysterium XarxesEdit

Mysterium Xarxes

The Mysterium Xarxes was a tome written by Mehrunes Dagon, who scribed it in "the deserts of rust and wounds". It was an artifact of great—and evil—power. The Xarxes was said to have a vile corrupting influence; reading from the book required magical protection from its powers, even merely handling it was said to be dangerous. Because of the hazards it poses to its reader, this book was classified as a Tract Perilous.

The book was given by Dagon to Mankar Camoran. After studying the tome, Mankar wrote the Commentaries on the Mysterium Xarxes (also known as the Mythic Dawn Commentaries). Inspired by the prophecies and promises within the book, Mankar founded the Mythic Dawn, a Daedric cult devoted to Mehrunes Dagon. The Xarxes acted as the cult's holy book, and was stored in the Mythic Dawn's hidden shrine in the caverns beneath Lake Arrius in Cyrodiil. Using the power of the book, Mankar created Gaiar Alata, or "Paradise", an alternate realm where the souls of Mythic Dawn cultists went in death.

In 3E 433, following the Mythic Dawn's assassination of Emperor Uriel Septim VII and all of his legitimate heirs, the Blades infiltrated the cult and stole the Mysterium Xarxes from their shrine to Mehrunes Dagon. It was taken to Cloud Ruler Temple, where Martin Septim, the illegitimate son of Uriel and the heir to the throne, translated the Xarxes and discovered a way to create a portal to Camoran's Paradise. The ritual required a Great Welkynd Stone, a Great Sigil Stone, a Daedric artifact, and an Aedric artifact. The Hero of Kvatch entered Gaiar Alata and defeated Camoran, retrieving the Amulet of Kings. The Mysterium Xarxes was destroyed in the process.

Numinous GrimoireEdit

Comprising three volumes, this text delves into the complexities of the mortal soul, driving any who attempt to read it mad. The sole known copy is safeguarded within the libraries of Cipher's Midden.[1]

Oghma InfiniumEdit

Oghma Infinium

The Oghma Infinium, also known as the Tome of Power, the Librum of Knowledge, and the Book that Knows, is an ancient tome of knowledge, and an artifact of great power. It was written by Xarxes, the scribe of Auri-El, who had been granted the knowledge within by Hermaeus Mora. The name of the tome comes from Oghma, the wife of Xarxes, whom he created from his favorite moments in history. The knowledge within the tome grants the reader access to the artifact's energy, which can be manipulated to achieve near demi-god abilities. The reader is instantly bombarded with a knowledge intake that could hemorrhage the brains of lesser mortals. The Paths of Steel, Shadow and Spirit are the three main sections of the tome. Because of the hazards it poses to its reader, this book was classified as a Tract Perilous. Once the Oghma Infinium is used, it disappears from its owner's possession.

See AlsoEdit

