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Lore:Redguard Names/Arena

< Lore: Names

This is a list of all the possible Redguard names that can be generated in The Elder Scrolls: Arena.

Due to the large number of possible names, the list is separated by gender and further divided alphabetically.

Male NamesEdit

Overview | A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
  • Names for male Redguards in Arena consist of a prefix followed by a vowel followed by a consonant, sometimes followed by a suffix. Redguards have no surnames.
  • The 43 prefixes for male Redguard names are: B, Ba, Bl, Br, C, Ca, Ch, Cr, D,Dh, F, Fh, Fl, Fr, G, Gh, Gl, Gr, K, Kh, Kl, Kr, L, Lh, M, Ma, Mh, N, Nh, R, Rh, Rl, S, Sa, Sh, Shr, Sl, St, T, Th, Tl, V, Vl
  • The 5 vowels for male Redguard names are: a, e, i, o, u
  • The 15 consonants for male Redguard names are: b, c, d, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, r, s, t, v, z
  • The 22 suffixes for male Redguard names are: am, an, ar, e, em, en, er, im, in, ir, ke, 'kern, om, on, rn, t, ta, te, ten, um, un, ur
  • There are 74,175 possible names

Female NamesEdit

Overview | A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
  • Names for female Redguards in Arena are the same as those for male Redguards but with the addition of an extra suffix. They consist of a prefix followed by a vowel followed by a consonant, sometimes followed by a first suffix, followed by a final suffix. Redguards have no surnames.
  • The 43 prefixes for female Redguard names are: B, Ba, Bl, Br, C, Ca, Ch, Cr, D,Dh, F, Fh, Fl, Fr, G, Gh, Gl, Gr, K, Kh, Kl, Kr, L, Lh, M, Ma, Mh, N, Nh, R, Rh, Rl, S, Sa, Sh, Shr, Sl, St, T, Th, Tl, V, Vl
  • The 5 vowels for female Redguard names are: a, e, i, o, u
  • The 15 consonants for female Redguard names are: b, c, d, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, r, s, t, v, z
  • The 22 first suffixes for female Redguard names are: am, an, ar, e, em, en, er, im, in, ir, ke, 'kern, om, on, rn, t, ta, te, ten, um, un, ur
  • The 7 final suffixes for female Redguard names are: -e, i, -i, ka, ki, -si, ti
  • There are 519,225 possible names