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< Lore: Appendices
Hlaalu Kinhouse at Narsis

Kinhouses are a feature within the elven societies of the Dunmer and the Altmer.[1][UOL 1] Definitionally, the term kinhouse can be used in place of the terms 'clan' or 'house' when referring to a noble elven political faction or family (sometimes called a "Kinship").[UOL 2] A kinhouse may also refer to the central clan building(s) of an elven clan, whether the kinhouse is used for residence, administration, gathering place, or some mixture of the three.[UOL 1]


  • During the development of base game ESO, Summerset Isle was going to be included as a zone called Varyllis, which was meant to contain the southlands of the isle, from Alinor to Dusk. That zone was meant to feature a number of Altmeri noble kinhouses across its landscape, each headed by a kinlord or kinlady.[UOL 2]


  1. ^ Events of ESO

Note: The following references are considered to be unofficial sources. They are included to round off this article and may not be authoritative or conclusive.