The Forgotten Hero is a Story in The Elder Scrolls: Legends. It serves as a tutorial as well. It is set during the Great War and features characters such as a member of the Blades and Titus Mede II.
The story mode gives rewards for completing parts of it. Some of these can be based on player choices: for instance, after a battle with wolves, you find a wolf pup and are given the choice to kill it or let it survive; each choice gives a different card, though all cards are obtainable in other ways as well, such as in card packs.
You have to complete Act I in order to unlock Practice, Casual, and Ranked matches.
This is the first story for Legends, followed by The Fall of the Dark Brotherhood.
- Act I
- Prologue: Begin your quest.
- The Fighting Pit: Defeat your fellow prisoner.
- The Escape: Fight your way out of the clutches of your captors.
- Dark Omens: Defeat the leader of your captors.
- Bandit Ambush: Fight off a group of bandits.
- Fugitives: Make it through a Dominion checkpoint.
- The Hungry Pack: Fight off a pack of wolves.
- Hopes Dashed: Investigate a recently abandoned house.
- Swims-at-Night: Battle a group of smugglers.
- Act II
- Broadsides: Repel a pirate attack.
- Unwelcome Intrusion: Fight off a group of angry spriggans.
- The Rescue: Rescue a sorcerer from a tribe of goblins.
- Tangled Web: Cut your way through a spider nest.
- The Brawl: Participate in a Nord tavern brawl.
- A Fractured Legion: Face a group of Legion deserters.
- Act III
- Ladies and Gentlemen!: Enter the Imperial City Arena.
- The Restless Dead: Navigate an ancient crypt.
- Interlude: Confront Lord Naarifin.
- Interlude: Confront Lord Naarifin.
- Reive's Wrath: Battle a familiar foe.
- A Knife in the Dark: Drive off a group of assassins.
- The Siege of the Imperial City: Besiege the Empire's occupied capital.
- The Showdown: Confront the leader of the Dominion forces.
- Epilogue: Hear the story's conclusion.
- You will unlock several decks over the course of this campaign. Certain cards will be automatically added to these decks as you progress, and they can be edited at will.
- You play with the Band of Survivors deck throughout Act I, but you are officially given and allowed to edit it after completing the Deckbuilding tutorial at the start of Swims-at-Night.
- Completing Swims-at-Night rewards a Scout deck called 'Black Marsh Smugglers'.
- Completing The Rescue rewards an Assassin deck called 'Dunmer Avengers'.
- Completing A Fractured Legion rewards a Spellsword deck called 'Imperial Might'.
- Completing The Showdown rewards a Battlemage deck called 'Warriors of Hammerfell'.