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Legends:Mages Guild Conjurer

< Legends: Cards
Mages Guild Conjurer
Creature (Breton)
LG-card-Mages Guild Conjurer.png
Deck code ID uE
Card Set LG-icon-Alliance War.png Alliance War
Magicka Cost LG-icon-Magicka.png6
Attribute Intelligence Intelligence
Power Power 2 Health Health 3
Rarity Epic Epic
Expertise: Summon a Flame Atronach, then upgrade the Atronach Mages Guild Conjurer summons.

Mages Guild Conjurer is an epic Intelligence creature card. It is available as part of the Alliance War expansion.

The order of the atronachs summoned is as follows:

Mages Guild Conjurer will then keep summoning a Lava Atronach on each successful expertise.


When summoned:

"Let us begin the lesson."

When attacking:

"Watch and learn."
