In order to help players familiarize themselves with the game, Legends has prepared a Glossary for players in the options. In Glossary, players can view Game Terms, Card Anatomy, Lane Rules and Card Creation.
Game TermsEdit
The Game Terms contains the description of Attributes and Card Effects.
Name | Icon | Description |
Attribute | Every card has one, two, or three Attributes that are used in building decks. | |
Agility | Agility outmaneuvers its foes with nimbleness and speed. It can move creatures between lanes and into cover, prey upon wounded enemies, and make extra attacks. Agility also use curses and poison to kill creatures with a single hit, and some of its creatures benefit from direct attacks on your opponent. | |
Endurance | Endurance overwhelms the enemy with sheer size and staying power. Its creatures often have high health, and it has many ways to heal them. Creatures with Endurance can also drain life from others, or add to your maximum magicka. | |
Intelligence | Intelligence rellies on trickery and magic to defeat its foes. Its creatures can deflect damage and give you advantages even when they die. Intelligence inflicts damage outside of battle, prevents enemies from attacking, and extracts added benefits from spells. | |
Strength | Strength overpowers its enemies with brute force. Its creatures often have higher power than health, and many can attack on the turn they're played. Strength has many powerful items for your creatures, and damage from Strength attacks can sometimes spill over to your opponent. | |
Willpower | Willpower runs over its foes with strength of numbers. It can quickly field a swarm of smaller creatures, then build their power and health into a greater threat. Willpower can protect you not only with its many guards, but with powerful spells to obliterate your opponent's forces. | |
Neutral | Cards without attributes are Neutral, and they can be played in any deck. | |
Activate | Supports with Activate abilities may be used once per turn. Most of these have a limits number of uses. | |
Animal | Animal includes the creature types of Beast, Fish, Mammoth, mudcrab, Netch, Reptile, Skeever, Spider, and Wolf. | |
Arena Ranks | Ranks in Solo and Versus Arena, from lowest to highest: Pit Dog (9), Brawler (8), Bloodletter (7), Myrmidon (6), Warrior (5), Gladiator (4), Hero (3), Champion (2), and Grand Champion (1). | |
Assemble | When you play a creature with Assemble, choose a bonus effect for it. Each effect chosen affects all your Factotums in your hand and deck. | |
Banish | Banished cards are removed from the game. | |
Battle | When you or your creatures Battles, choose an enemy creature. Each deals damage equal to its power to the other. | |
Beast Form | When an enemy rune is destroyed, all friendly creatures with Beast Form change into Werewolves. | |
Betray | When you played an action with Betray, you may sacrifice a creature to play that action again. | |
Breakthrough | When you deal enough damage with Breakthrough to destroy an enemy creature, any excess damage is dealt to your opponent.(Does not apply when defending.) | |
Change | When a creature Changes into another creature, it keeps its damage, items, and modifications. | |
Consume | Remove a card in your discard pile from the game. | |
Copy | When an effect creates a copy of a card, that copy has none of the start mods or added Keywords of the original. | |
Cover | A creature with Cover can't be attacked for one turn(but it can still be targeted by actions and abilities). Creatures with Guard can't gain Cover. When a creature with Cover attacks, it loses Cover. | |
Double Cards | A Double Card is two cards in one. When you draw a Double Card, it splits into two cards. You can then use those cards independently of each other. Double Cards are added to your deck with a cost equal to the cost of both cards combined. | |
Drain | When a card with Drain deals damage on your turn, you also gain that much health. | |
Empower | When your opponent takes damage, actions with Empower increase in effect for the turn. | |
Equip | When you play an item, a creature equips that item. The wielder of an item gains its stat bonuses and Keywords. | |
Exalt | When you play a card with Exalt, you may pay its Exalt cost for a bonus effect. A card whose Exalt ability has been triggered is called Exalted. | |
Expertise | At the end of your turn, if you played an action, item, or support this turn, a bonus effect is triggered. | |
Guard | Enemy creatures with Guard must be attacked and destroyed before your creatures in the same lane can attack your opponent. | |
Hand Size | You can have no more than ten cards in your hand. However, a Prophecy card not played can increase your hand size above ten. | |
Heal | When a creature is healed, restore it to full health. | |
Invade | Upgrade your highest level Oblivion Gate. If you don't have one, summon one in the right lane. | |
Keywords | Some cards reference special types of abilities called Keywords. These include Breakthrough, Charge, Drain, Guard, Lethal, Regenerate, Rally, and Ward. | |
Last Gasp | When a card with Last Gasp is destroyed, a bonus effect is triggered. | |
Lethal | Creatures with Lethal destroy any creature they damage through combat or other abilities. | |
Magicka | You spend magicka to pay the costs of your cards. Your max magicka increases by one each turn. Leftover magicka doesn't carry over from turn to turn. Some cards add to your max magicka. | |
Match Ranks | Ranks in Ranked mode, from lowest to highest: The Ritual (12), The Lover (11), The Lord (10), The Mage (9), The Shadow (8), The Steed (7), The Apprentice (6), The Warrior (5), The Lady (4), The Tower (3), The Atronach (2), The Thief (1), and Legend. | |
Mobilize | You can play an item with Mobilize to an empty lane. When you do, summon a 1/1 Recruit and equip the item to it. | |
Move | When a creature moves, it's taken from the lane it occupies and placed into the other lane. | |
Pilfer | When your creature with Pilfer deals damage to your opponent, a bonus effect is triggered. | |
Plot | When you play a card with a Plot ability and you have previously played another card on the same turn, a bonus effect is triggered. | |
Prophecy | When your rune is destroyed and you draw a card with Prophecy, you can play that card for free. Otherwise, put it into your hand. | |
Rally | When your creature with Rally attacks, give a random creature in your hand +1/+1. | |
Regenerate | A creature with Regenerate fully heals at the start of your turn. | |
Rune | Each time a player takes five damage, one of their five runes is destroyed, and that player draws a card. If that card has Prophecy, it may be played for free. | |
Sacrifice | Destroy one of your cards. You can't sacrifice an opponent's card. Sometimes, your card sacrifices itself. | |
Shackle | A Shackled creature can't attack. Creatures become unshackled at the end of a turn during which they missed an attack. | |
Shout | When you play a Shout, all your other copies are upgraded. | |
Silence | Silencing a creature destroys its items, stat mods, and abilities, including Keywords and Cover. | |
Slay | When your creature with Slay destroys another creature on your turn, a bonus effect is triggered. | |
Steal | When you steal your opponent's card in play, it moves to your side of the same lane. Stealing a card from your opponent's deck puts it into your hand. When your opponent's card that you have stolen is destroyed, it is put into your discard pile. | |
Summon | When cards with Summon abilities are played, a bonus effect is triggered. | |
Target | When an effect drags an arrow to an object, that object is the target of that effect. | |
Transform | When a creature Transforms, it's replaced by a new creature that plays its Summon abilities. | |
Treasure Hunt | Each creature with Treasure Hunt has a list of things it's looking for. While a treasure hunter is in play, it checks every card you draw on your turn to see if it's on the list. Once you've drawn all of the those cards, you receive the listed effect. The cards do not need to be drawn on the same turn. The effect only happens once. | |
Undead | Undead includes the creature types of Mummy, Skeleton, Spirit, and Vampire. | |
Unsummon | Take a card from play and put it into its owner's hand. | |
Veteran | After this creature first attacks and survives, a bonus effect is triggered. | |
Ward | The first time a creature with Ward takes damage, that damage is prevented and the Ward is destroyed. | |
Wax and Wane | When cards with Wax and Wane are played, a bonus effect is triggered. At the end of your turn, which bonus effect switches between Wax and Wane. | |
Wounded | A Wounded creature is one that has been damaged or had its health lowered by a debuff. |
Card AnatomyEdit
The Card Anatomy describes the components of an example card named Lucien Lachance.
No | Component | Description |
① | Cost | This indicates how much magicka you need to summon this card. |
② | Unique Gem | Your deck can only play one copy of a card that has a unique gem. |
③ | Name | The name of the card. |
④ | Card Type/Creature Type | The card types in The Elder Scrolls: Legends are Action, Creature, Item, and Support. Creatures have individual types of their own, such as Wood Elf, Orc and Daedra. |
⑤ | Power | Creatures have power. This number indicates the amount of damage this creature will deal in combat. |
⑥ | Health | Creatures have health. This number indicates the amount of damage this creature can take before it is destoryed. |
⑦ | Text Box | For Actions, this indicates the effects that will happen when the card is played. For Creatures, Items and Supports, it also tells you about any ongoing abilities and the card has. |
⑧ | Attribute | Every card has one, two, or three Attributes that are used in building decks. |
⑨ | Rarity | This symbol tells you the rarity of the card. The four rarities are Common, Rare, Epic and Legendary. |
Lane RulesEdit
Lane Rules describes the rules of Lanes. To see Special Lanes, check here.
Name | Icon | Description |
Field Lane | The left lane is normally the Field Lane. Creatures summoned here are immediately vulnerable to enemy attacks. | |
Shadow Lane | The right lane is normally the Shadow Lane. Creatures summoned here receive Cover, which prevents enemy creatures from attacking them for one turn. | |
Special Lane | You may find special lane rules that change the game in other ways. Discover them in game modes like Story, Solo Arena, or Chaos Arema. Check the lane icon to review its rules. |
Card CreationEdit
Card Creation contains the specific information related to card creation.
Name | Icon | Description |
Soul Sight | Use this to see cards in your Collection that you don't own yet. Select a card you have 0 copies of to open Card Info and see how you can Soul Summon a copy. | |
Soul Trap | Select an owned card in your Collection to open Card Info, where you can Soul Trap that card and turn it into Soul Gems. | |
Soul Summon | Spend your Soul Gems to Soul Summon new cards. Create more copies of cards you own or add cards you have 0 copies of to your Collection. | |
Extra Cards | Decks are limited to three copies of each card(or one of each unique). Select this icon in your Collection to Soul Trap your extra cards into Soul Gems. | |
Premium Mode | Premium Cards are alternate versions that have special image treatments. When Premium Mode is selected in your Collection, they appear in a separate stack, after any regular copies of the same card. |