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Legends:False Incarnate

< Legends: Cards
False Incarnate
Creature (Dark Elf)
LG-card-False Incarnate.png
Deck code ID gc
Card Set LG-icon-Houses of Morrowind.png Houses of Morrowind
Magicka Cost LG-icon-Magicka.png4
Attribute Strength Strength
Power Power 5 Health Health 4
Rarity Epic Epic
Your opponent can't gain health.

False Incarnate is an epic Strength creature card. It is available as part of the Houses of Morrowind expansion.


In addition to the card's availability in the Houses of Morrowind expansion, one copy is included in the Dagoth's Might theme deck.


When summoned:

"What help would you have from the Nerevarine?"

When attacking:

"Behold the power of Sunna'rah!"

