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Legends:Dagoth's Might

< Legends: Purchases / Decks
Dagoth's Might
Class StrengthIntelligenceAgility House Dagoth
Default Banner Art Dagoth Ur
Release Houses of Morrowind
Price 1000 Gold or USD $7.99/€7.99
Theme Creatures with 5 or more power
Deck Code SPAObecjgciMoweahPrCrqqyhbcbfCcXAOdzaUgtnzaTihcJaXhSaWhhnMboguALdZgInKomcBjHqueqazlAlC
Attributes Strength 22Intelligence 26Agility 23Triple Attribute 4
Rarity Common 44Rare 24Epic 6Legendary 1

Deck List
Quantity Attributes Name Type (Subtype) Magicka Power Health Rarity Ability
2 Strength Corprus Disease Action 1 2Rare Rare Silence a creature, then give it +2/+0.
2 Agility Shadow Shift Action 1 1Common Common Move a friendly creature.
Draw a card.
3 Intelligence Sixth House Amulet Item 1 1Common Common +1/+1
Summon: If the wielder has 5 power or more, it gains a Ward.
2 Agility Awakened Dreamer Creature (Dark Elf) 2 2 3 2Rare Rare At the end of your turn, if you have a creature with 5 power or more, Awakened Dreamer gains +1/+1.
3 Agility Deranged Corprus Creature (Ash Creature) 2 0 1 1Common Common Deranged Corprus has +5/+0 on your turn.
2 Agility Finish Off Action 2 1Common Common Destroy a Wounded enemy creature.
2 Intelligence High Rock Summoner Creature (Breton) 2 1 1 2Rare Rare Summon: Put a random Atronach into your hand.
1 Agility Thieves Guild Recruit Creature (Argonian) 2 1 2 1Common Common Summon: Draw a card. If it costs 7 or more, reduce its cost by 1.
1 Intelligence Wardcrafter Creature (Breton) 2 2 1 2Rare Rare Summon: Give a creature a Ward.
1 Strength Assassin's Bow Item 3 2Rare Rare +3/+0
Summon: Give the wielder Cover at the end of turn.
3 Intelligence Burning Touch Prophecy Action 3 1Common Common Prophecy
Deal 2 damage to a creature.
2 Intelligence Camlorn Sentinel Prophecy Creature (Breton) 3 2 4 1Common Common Prophecy, Guard
3 Strength Dagoth Oathman Creature (Ash Creature) 3 3 3 1Common Common Summon: If you have a...
Agility card in play, +1/+1.
Intelligence card in play, +1/+1.
1 Agility Giant Bat Creature (Beast) 3 2 2 1Common Common Charge, Drain
1 Intelligence Vigilant Ancestor Creature (Spirit) 3 5 4 3Epic Epic Guard
Vigilant Ancestor is permanently Shackled.
3 Agility An-Xileel Invader Creature (Argonian) 4 5 3 1Common Common
2 Strength Ash Berserker Creature (Ash Creature) 4 3 3 2Rare Rare At the end of your turn, if you have a creature with 5 power or more, draw a card.
2 Intelligence Ash Servant Creature (Ash Creature) 4 2 2 2Rare Rare Summon: Deal 2 damage to a creature.
1 Strength Bog Lurcher Creature (Lurcher) 4 9 1 2Rare Rare
1 Strength False Incarnate Creature (Dark Elf) 4 5 4 3Epic Epic Your opponent can't gain health.
2 Strength Fighters Guild Steward Creature (Nord) 4 3 3 2Rare Rare Summon: A friendly creature with 5 or more power Battles an enemy creature.
2 Intelligence Hatchery Meddler Creature (Dark Elf) 4 5 3 2Rare Rare Summon: Swap a creature's power and health.
1 Strength Imposter's Mission Action 4 3Epic Epic Summon an Imposter with power and health equal to the power of your most powerful creature.
3 Intelligence Lightning Bolt Prophecy Action 4 1Common Common Prophecy
Deal 4 damage.
3 Agility Nix-Hound Prophecy Creature (Beast) 4 3 2 1Common Common Prophecy
Summon: Shackle
each enemy creature with less power than Nix-Hound.
1 Strength Skirmisher's Elixir Support 4 2Rare Rare Uses: 3
Activate: Give a creature +2/+0 and Breakthrough.
2 Intelligence Ash Piercer Creature (Ash Creature) 5 3 4 2Rare Rare Summon: Deal 3 damage to a creature if you have a creature with 5 power or more.
1 Agility Blighted Werebat Creature (Beast) 5 4 4 3Epic Epic Drain
At the end of your turn, if you have a creature with 5 power or more, deal 2 damage to your opponent.
1 Agility Elder Centaur Creature (Centaur) 5 5 4 3Epic Epic After Elder Centaur attacks, give him Cover.
3 Strength Fortress Watchman Creature (Orc) 5 5 4 1Common Common Guard
2 Intelligence Glenumbra Sorceress Creature (Breton) 5 5 1 2Rare Rare Ward
1 StrengthIntelligenceAgility Hand of Dagoth Creature (Ash Creature) 5 5 4 3Epic Epic Breakthrough, Drain, Ward
3 Strength Servant of Dagoth Creature (Ash Creature) 5 4 4 1Common Common Summon: If you have a creature with 5 power or more, +2/+2 and Guard.
2 StrengthIntelligenceAgility Ascended Sleeper Creature (Ash Creature) 6 3 6 2Rare Rare Guard
At the end of your turn, if you have a creature with 5 power or more, reduce the cost of all creatures in your hand by 1.
1 Agility Chaurus Reaper Creature (Chaurus) 7 5 4 1Common Common Summon: Give all enemy creatures in this lane -1/-1.
3 Agility Nix-Ox Creature (Beast) 7 5 5 1Common Common Summon: Gain 5 magicka this turn.
2 Strength Savage Ogre Creature (Ogre) 7 5 5 1Common Common Summon: Give a creature +5/+0 this turn.
3 Intelligence Therana's Lawman Creature (High Elf) 8 5 5 1Common Common Guard, Ward
1 StrengthIntelligenceAgility Dagoth Ur Creature (God) 12 8 8 4Legendary Legendary Breakthrough, Charge, Drain, Guard, Lethal, Ward