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File talk:OB-map-Cyrodiil.jpg


This image is 2048 × 1673 pixels At this resolution it lacks details seen on the physical map sold with the collector's edition of the game.

I've looked hard online and found only the TamrielMaps version linked on Oblivion:Maps which is a bit better but has major artifacts and discolorations presumably from both the scanning and the folds present on the physical maps.

I see two options for acquiring a better image.

1: Scan a physical map to a very high standard and digitally remove any artifacts resulting from creases and the scanning process. Difficulty: Medium (caveat: requires specialist equipment and knowledge, or the financial incentive needed to enlist the services of person(s) in possession of said equipment and knowledge)

2: Contact Someone at Bethesda and request a better version of the map. Difficulty: Low-High depending on whether anyone at bethesda even notices the request, how high they need to take the request, how high they are able to take the request, and then depending on how generous the relevant shot-caller is.

Option 2 is definitely the more honest aproach, however, it may take an awful long time just to get told "no".

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