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File talk:LG-cardart-Iliac Sorcerer.png

Concerning the CannonEdit

I've seen this file "cited" on several pages as showing the existence of cannons in the Elder Scrolls universe. I think this is not appropriate, for the following reasons:

  • There is no other indication of gunpowder or gunpowder artillery existing in the universe that I know of.
  • The card as it appears in game is cropped such that the cannon itself is not seen. That it appears on the full card art thus should be given considerably less meaning -- it's in a quite literal sense cut content.
  • The Legends card art is known to have featured lore errors which were only belatedly caught, most notably four-legged dragons. A Legends card art thus has to be given less weight than other content where the lore team had more oversight.

Correct me if you disagree, but for now I'd advise against inferring the existence of cannons from this single picture. AlienAtSystem (talk) 05:50, 11 April 2024 (UTC)

While I'm neutral on whether the full card art should be considered official lore, cannons are definitively canon for their mention in Jokes. Mindtrait0r (talk) 12:55, 11 April 2024 (UTC)
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