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Daggerfall talk:The Cure

Broken Temple Version?Edit

does the temple version of this quest break for anybody else? I talk to her and she just asks me to give her the cure, no directions to the healer, no mention of it, nothing in my log and I don't even catch anything.

"I feel so weak. I don't know what is wrong with me. Do you have the cure? Use it on me before its too late"

thats all she says. initiation quest temple of Stendarr — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 16:14 on 24 September 2012‎

the temple version is different, you have to find the cure yourself instead of from the subject. Talk to people around town, somebody's heard of a healer they think can help.
(the crusader in the temple always seems to know for me) — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 05:37 on 17 July 2013
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