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Daggerfall Mod:DFRemake/Resource - RMGetFreeObjectID

< Mod / Daggerfall: Daggerfall Mod: DFRemake

DWORD RMGetFreeObjectID ( )Edit




Returns the next available object ID. The ID is guaranteed to be valid and not currently in use.


Use this function to obtain a free object ID used for object creation.


The only way this function can fail to return a valid object ID is if all IDs are currently in use. Since object IDs range from 1000 to 1 million, this is unlikely to occur. Object IDs returned by this function start at 1000 leaving the lower IDs available for special purposes. IDs are limited to 1 million since large object IDs seem to require too much memory and slow down the system.

Typical access time for this function is < 0.004 ms for the first 999,000 objects created.


  Local NewID as DWORD

  NewID = RMGetFreeObjectID()
  make object box NewID, 10, 10, 10