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Daggerfall:Wrothgarian Mountains/Dungeons

< Daggerfall:Wrothgarian Mountains

Name Type Dungeon Modules
The Hearthhouse Cemetery Cemetery 5
The Woodston Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Fortress of Wooding Dragon's Den 12
Ruins of Yeomsmith Tower Mine 10
The Citadel of Gaersly Giant Stronghold 8
The Vojthrac Mews Harpy Nest 8
Ruins of Mastersmith Hall Natural Cave 13
The Gaersley Graveyard Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of Castle Copperwing Natural Cave 8
The Wickham Graveyard Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Grotto of Morkoder Natural Cave 8
The Morkilorgon Cavern Natural Cave 13
The Cave of Asmodeusivah Natural Cave 8
The Buckingsley Crypts Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Moorham Vaults Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Rodyn Tunnel Mine 13
The Woodsmith Tombs Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of Gaersmith Court Giant Stronghold 13
Yagdoth Orc Stronghold 13
Ruins of The Old Wicksley Shack Natural Cave 8
Ruins of The Citadel of Kington Mine 12
Ruins of Castle Wickhouse Natural Cave 12
The Quarry of Rodyctor Mine 8
Ruins of Kingham Grange Barbarian Stronghold 11
Ruins of Greenham Manor Mine 10
The Copperwing Tombs Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Citadel of Hawkford Natural Cave 13
The Cave of Dispulia Natural Cave 12
Ruins of The Wickton Farmstead Mine 13
Ruins of The Hold of Buckington Mine 13
The Conclave of Vyctyssa Barbarian Stronghold 13
Ruins of Old Elyzanna's Farm Volcanic Caves 13
Castle Greenfield Volcanic Caves 13
Sekirthrac Giant Stronghold 8
The Edworyan Quarry Mine 10
Ruins of Tower Copperston Natural Cave 11
The Hole of Asmateus Natural Cave 12
Ruins of Old Elolda's Place Crypt 13
The Demileusunah Cavern Natural Cave 8
Ruins of Woodhouse Tower Natural Cave 11
Ruins of Wickfield Tower Volcanic Caves 12
Ruins of Ashcroft Hall Barbarian Stronghold 13
Ruins of Ashham Court Mine 8
The Hold of Ashsly Ruined Castle 8
The Dungeon of Theodyctor Prison 8
Ruins of Ashsly's Guard Mine 12
The Fortress of Buckinging Natural Cave 8
The Citadel of Greenfield Mine 8
Ruins of Kinghart Manor Natural Cave 11
Ruins of The Yeomsly Plantation Volcanic Caves 13
The Woodford Graveyard Cemetery 5
The Stronghold of Mastersley Mine 8
Ruins of Greenwing Orchard Dragon's Den 12
The Ysyvyra Tradition Coven 13
The Grotto of Sahith Natural Cave 8
Ruins of Tower Moorsley Orc Stronghold 8
Ruins of Gaerwing Manor Volcanic Caves 10
The Convocation of Chrystara Barbarian Stronghold 8
Ruins of The Gaerwing Farmstead Mine 8
The Hold of Moorham Mine 10
Ruins of The Yeomham Cabin Mine 12
The Graves of Hawkhouse Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Tombs of Moorfield Cemetery 5
The Vault of Darkovan Crypt 8
Woodhouse's Hold Natural Cave 8
Castle Coppercroft Natural Cave 8
The Sahilitherullah Cave Natural Cave 10
Ruins of Greenwing Grange Natural Cave 8
The Hole of Homunebrotha Volcanic Caves 10
The Dispogul Grotto Natural Cave 11
The Fortress of Greensly Laboratory 13
The Graves of Buckingford Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of Old Barbyvyra's Farm Natural Cave 13
The Yeomsmith Vaults Cemetery 5
Castle Wooding Orc Stronghold 13
The Dispul Hole Natural Cave 12
Ruins of Greenwing Court Volcanic Caves 13
The Fortress of Woodham Mine 10
The Cave of Balorgon Volcanic Caves 11
Ruins of The Hearthwing Cabin Spider Nest 8
Ruins of Castle Hearthhouse Mine 8
The Tombs of Masterhart Cemetery 5
Ruins of Tower Kingston Desecrated Temple 8
Skobith Orc Stronghold 12
The Mastersmith Vaults Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Lair of Daglath Spider Nest 8
Ruins of Old Evelorya's Shack Vampire Haunt 11
The Fortress of Masterton Mine 12
Castle Moorton Mine 10
Ruins of Tower Masterhart Coven 8
The Dunore Tunnel Mine 8
The Quarry of Dunistair Mine 14
THe Crypts of Moorham Forgotten Cemetery 5
Gripbith Orc Stronghold 8
The Copperhart Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
Dagthoth Orc Stronghold 12
Ruins of The Kington Cabin Vampire Haunt 8
Ruins of The Ashston Farmstead Natural Cave 13
Ruins of Hawking Palace Mine 13
The Hearthcroft Graveyard Cemetery 5
The Greenwing Vaults Cemetery 5
The Moorsmith Graveyard Cemetery 5
The Hawkston Graveyard Cemetery 5
Castle Gaerfield Orc Stronghold 11
The Cave of Jubexa Natural Cave 13
Ruins of The Hold of Wicking Natural Cave 10
Ruins of Tower Buckingford Orc Stronghold 12
The Quarry of Gondyctor Mine 13
Greenston Tower Giant Stronghold 8
THe Crypts of Yeoming Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of Moorton Hall Laboratory 14
The Tower of Hearthham Mine 8
The Woodcroft Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
Hearthsley's Hold Natural Cave 8
The Buckingham Graveyard Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Morkebrinxiva Grotto Volcanic Caves 13
The Balonessa Grotto Natural Cave 12
Ruins of The Old Ashford Hovel Orc Stronghold 12
The Balith Grotto Natural Cave 14
Ruins of Castle Woodham Orc Stronghold 13
The Pit of Baalilexullah Natural Cave 8
The Lair of Baalorgon Natural Cave 8
Ruins of The Citadel of Ashing Prison 10
Mordoryan Laboratory Laboratory 13
Ruins of The Old Yeomford Shack Orc Stronghold 11
Ruins of Buckington Court Mine 11
The Convocation of Ysayne Barbarian Stronghold 10
Ruins of Hawkfield Manor Ruined Castle 8
The Uthywyr Lode Mine 13
THe Crypts of Wickton Cemetery 5
The Wicking Graveyard Cemetery 5
The Fortress of Woodsly Volcanic Caves 8
Ruins of Wickcroft's Guard Crypt 8
The Cavern of Gerorgon Natural Cave 14
Ruins of Woodsmith Palace Natural Cave 12
Tower Buckinging Mine 12
Ruins of Yeoming Palace Mine 8
Ruins of Old Carolorya's Shack Ruined Castle 8
The Homunuchothullah Cave Natural Cave 10
The Wickwing Vaults Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of Yeomsmith's Guard Giant Stronghold 13
The Tristore Tunnel Mine 12
The Hole of Gerilasuna Natural Cave 8
Castle Gaerhouse Orc Stronghold 12
Ruins of Wickham Manor Natural Cave 8
Ruins of Buckingham Manor Natural Cave 10
Ruins of Ashford Orchard Barbarian Stronghold 12
Ruins of The Yeomton Plantation Mine 13
Tricerrirugoth Giant Stronghold 14
Ruins of Castle Wickton Ruined Castle 8
The Tombs of Moorston Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Tower of Hearthhouse Mine 12
The Gondyctor Lode Mine 8
The Stronghold of Kinghart Crypt 8
The Masterhart Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of The Tower of Kingford Mine 12
The Hole of Dispither Natural Cave 11
The Edwynak Quarry Mine 13
The Cult of Evelyn Coven 12
The Bedistair Quarry Mine 13
The Kingham Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
Balitheressa Hollow Natural Cave 12
Ruins of Hearthfield Manor Mine 8
Ruins of The Buckinghart Cabin Prison 10
The Aviary of Norhoth Harpy Nest 8
The Stronghold of Moorton Natural Cave 13
Ruins of Hawkford's Hold Natural Cave 13
Ruins of Old Carolona's Hovel Mine 13
The Kingford Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of Mastersly Manor Volcanic Caves 11
Rattithrac Orc Stronghold 8
Barbyrrya Cultus Coven 12
The Tower of Moorsley Orc Stronghold 8
The Moorston Cemetery Cemetery 5
Ruins of Woodsly Manor Natural Cave 14
The Wickwing Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Wickhart Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Mordyval Mines Mine 12
Ruins of The Old Kingford Place Spider Nest 11
The Haunt of Corrivarus Vampire Haunt 14
The Grotto of Marebith Natural Cave 10
The Hearthhouse Tombs Cemetery 5
Ruins of The Woodwing Farmstead Orc Stronghold 13
The Greenhouse Burial Ground Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of The Greencroft Cabin Volcanic Caves 13
The Woodwing Graveyard Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of The Greening Farmstead Volcanic Caves 11
The Theodoryan Excavation Mine 8
Ruins of The Buckingwing Cabin Natural Cave 10
Ruins of Old Carolanna's Shack Crypt 10
Ruins of Buckingford Orchard Natural Cave 8
Demoth Hollow Natural Cave 8
Wickton Tower Natural Cave 8
Ruins of Buckingwing Manor Orc Stronghold 10
The Masterfield Cemetery Cemetery 5
Ruins of Old Vyctyn's Shack Natural Cave 8
The Dunistair Pit Mine 8
The Lair of Dispona Volcanic Caves 10
The Quarry of Alabyrick Mine 8
Ruins of Old Lysara's Hovel Barbarian Stronghold 10
Ruins of The Ashfield Cabin Mine 10
The Gondastyr Mines Mine 13
Vojphang Giant Stronghold 13
Ruins of Old Evelabyth's Shack Laboratory 12
The Gaering Vaults Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Yeomton Vaults Cemetery 5
Ruins of Old Lysyn's Shack Mine 10
The Crypt of Darkimor Crypt 8
Ruins of The Hold of Moorsmith Natural Cave 13
The Tristyn Lode Mine 11
Tower Yeomsmith Crypt 13
The Woodsly Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Yeomhart Graveyard Forgotten Cemetery 5
Marither Hollow Natural Cave 8
The Woodham Graveyard Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of Greenhart Manor Laboratory 12
The Kingsmith Graveyard Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of Buckingsmith Court Vampire Haunt 12
The Coppersley Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of Greenhouse Tower Mine 10
The Citadel of Gaerston Volcanic Caves 8
The Agristyr Quarry Mine 13
Tricerridon Orc Stronghold 8
Ruins of Buckingcroft Grange Natural Cave 14
Ruins of Masterston Manor Orc Stronghold 8
Ruins of Gaersmith Hall Natural Cave 8
Ruins of Yeomsley Court Orc Stronghold 12
The Tower of Wicksmith Crypt 10
The Masterhouse Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Circle of Ysyrrya Barbarian Stronghold 11
The Andore Quarry Mine 12
Ruins of The Moorham Plantation Ruined Castle 8
Ruins of Woodford Court Crypt 14
Grumghu Giant Stronghold 13
Ruins of Woodcroft Manor Orc Stronghold 10
The Wicksly Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of Buckingcroft Hall Mine 13
THe Crypts of Kingwing Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of Tower Hawkcroft Natural Cave 8
The Buckingsmith Tombs Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Graves of Kinghouse Forgotten Cemetery 5
Castle Wicksly Mine 8
Castle Hearthford Volcanic Caves 10
Shedungent Laboratory 16
The Dematithulla Hole Natural Cave 11
Ruins of The Tower of Kingwing Orc Stronghold 10
The Cave of Sahatulessa Natural Cave 13
The Maelasulla Cavern Natural Cave 8
Tower Hawksley Orc Stronghold 14
THe Crypts of Moorwing Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of Old Elolda's Hovel Natural Cave 12
Ruins of Castle Yeomston Mine 12
The Stronghold of Wickford Mine 13
The Andoryan Quarry Mine 8
Ruins of Old Vannanna's Hovel Spider Nest 10
The Kingcroft Burial Ground Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of Old Lysyvyra's Shack Mine 13
Ruins of Old Vannyna's Hovel Mine 10
The Haunt of Correhor Vampire Haunt 13
Ruins of Moorcroft Court Natural Cave 8
Mastersly's Guard Natural Cave 10
Ruins of The Hold of Yeomfield Orc Stronghold 11
Ruins of Hearthhart Hall Mine 10
The Quarry of Uthistyr Mine 10
The Tower of Yeomhart Volcanic Caves 12
Castle Wickfield Barbarian Stronghold 12
Ruins of The Ashcroft Farmstead Orc Stronghold 13
The Demoginx Cave Natural Cave 8
The Citadel of Hearthston Mine 12
Ruins of Old Ysabyth's Farm Orc Stronghold 12
Ruins of The Old Gaerford Shack Natural Cave 10
Ruins of Kingham Hall Giant Stronghold 13
The Masterston Tombs Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of Coppersley Manor Volcanic Caves 8
The Wickcroft Graveyard Forgotten Cemetery 5
Castle Hearthsmith Mine 8
The Cave of Sahebrithiah Volcanic Caves 11
The Rodoryan Quarry Mine 10
Ruins of Kingford Hall Crypt 11
The Moorton Cemetery Cemetery 5
The Cavern of Marinx Volcanic Caves 8
The Dunyctor Pit Mine 8
The Stronghold of Kingwing Giant Stronghold 12
The Masterhart Graveyard Cemetery 5
Ruins of Woodcroft Court Volcanic Caves 13
The Wickcroft Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Chrystorya Tradition Coven 8
The Pit of Jubonah Natural Cave 10
Ruins of Buckington Manor Natural Cave 10
Ruins of Ashham's Hold Laboratory 12
Ruins of The Old Ashfield Shack Mine 12
Ruins of The Yeomham Farmstead Laboratory 11
The Wooding Graveyard Forgotten Cemetery 5
Tower Woodsley Volcanic Caves 8
The Theodyrick Quarry Mine 8
Tower Wicksmith Laboratory 12
The Hold of Wickston Orc Stronghold 10
Ruins of Old Elyzorya's Place Laboratory 13
Castle Wickham Natural Cave 12
Ruins of Buckington Grange Mine 13
Castle Yeomwing Mine 12
Ruins of The Woodton Farmstead Mine 10
The Sepulcher of Verulus Crypt 8
Ruins of Wicksmith Manor Mine 13
Ruins of The Hold of Kington Volcanic Caves 13
Ruins of The Hold of Woodwing Mine 8
Kingwing Tower Crypt 8
The Cavern of Baalon Volcanic Caves 10
Hezardon Orc Stronghold 12
Ruins of Hawkston Hall Mine 8
Ruins of Yeomford Orchard Natural Cave 12
The Bedyn Tunnel Mine 13
Uthane Laboratory Laboratory 8
The Hold of Hawkford Natural Cave 12
The Hawking Tombs Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of Ashsley Manor Spider Nest 8
The Gaering Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Perore Lode Mine 10
The Hold of Moorwing Crypt 13
Ruins of Hawkhouse Orchard Natural Cave 13
Ruins of Hearthham Orchard Natural Cave 13
Ruins of Ashsley Tower Natural Cave 8
Ruins of Tower Greenham Orc Stronghold 8
The Lair of Asmululullah Natural Cave 11
Ruins of Ashsmith Manor Orc Stronghold 8
The Cairn of Inveroghion Crypt 12
Ruins of Old Carolyrrya's Shack Natural Cave 13
The Tower of Masterfield Orc Stronghold 13
The Buckinghouse Crypts Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of The Gaersmith Cabin Natural Cave 12
The Hole of Maeleberiah Natural Cave 11
Yehoth Orc Stronghold 12
Moorsmith's Guard Ruined Castle 8
Ruins of Woodcroft Hall Mine 10
The Gondore Quarry Mine 8
The Cathedral of Maelothessa Desecrated Temple 14
Ruins of Castle Moorston Mine 8
The Tristastyr Excavation Mine 10
The Vannyvyra Convergence Barbarian Stronghold 8
Ruins of The Hawkhart Cabin Mine 10
Tower Wicksly Giant Stronghold 12
Ruins of Buckinghouse Grange Ruined Castle 8
Ruins of Buckington Palace Mine 13
The Edwyn Pit Mine 12
Castle Gaerhart Volcanic Caves 8
The Hearthcroft Tombs Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Balinxa Hole Volcanic Caves 8
The Hole of Homunithera Volcanic Caves 12
THe Crypts of Buckington Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of The Moorston Farmstead Natural Cave 12
The Wickton Vaults Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Sahebrothulla Cave Natural Cave 8
The Coppercroft Graveyard Forgotten Cemetery 5
Morirrugoth Orc Stronghold 10
The Geruchitheria Grotto Natural Cave 12
Ruins of Wickhart Court Mine 11
Ruins of Hearthhouse's Guard Natural Cave 14
Ruins of Buckingfield's Guard Mine 14
Ruins of Greenhart Hall Giant Stronghold 12
Ruins of Ashhart's Hold Vampire Haunt 12
Ruins of The Kingford Farmstead Spider Nest 8
Vladelon Hall Vampire Haunt 11
Ruins of Woodhouse Palace Mine 11
THe Crypts of Buckinghouse Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of Masterston Court Desecrated Temple 8
The Kingsmith Vaults Cemetery 5
Castle Yeomton Mine 8
Ruins of The Hawkham Plantation Mine 10
Ruins of The Gaerston Farmstead Giant Stronghold 12
Ruins of Ashsley Hall Mine 12
Ruins of Moorhouse Manor Mine 14
Morlath Orc Stronghold 8
Ruins of The Old Ashham Shack Orc Stronghold 10
Buckingfield Tower Mine 8
Castle Baranezzar Vampire Haunt 8
Ruins of Gaerford Tower Mine 8
The Hawksly Graveyard Forgotten Cemetery 5
Baluagerullah Hollow Volcanic Caves 13
Yevor Giant Stronghold 12
Ruins of The Woodsly Cabin Mine 12
Ruins of The Old Ashhouse Shack Mine 13
The Homunas Cave Volcanic Caves 12
The Hole of Baalateressa Volcanic Caves 12
The Pit of Gerilanxessa Natural Cave 10
The Gaersly Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of Moorsly Grange Mine 10
Ruins of Hawkfield Grange Volcanic Caves 11
The Kingsly Graveyard Cemetery 5
The Dunoryan Quarry Mine 8
The Lair of Sahiblithah Volcanic Caves 10
The Rodastyr Quarry Mine 8
The Hearthham Cemetery Cemetery 5
The Ashsly Graveyard Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Mordywyr Mines Mine 8
The Moorford Crypts Forgotten Cemetery 5
Buckingsley's Guard Orc Stronghold 10
The House of Necromoghan Vampire Haunt 8
Castle Moorfield Mine 10
Ruins of Yeomford Hall Vampire Haunt 8
Tower Kingsley Mine 13
The Gondane Excavation Mine 13
The Coppersly Crypts Forgotten Cemetery 5
Yeomhart's Hold Mine 8
The Mines of Bedyctor Mine 12
The Fortress of Ashsley Natural Cave 8
Gaerfield Tower Natural Cave 8
The Graves of Buckingsley Cemetery 5
The Tomb of Lithehulon Crypt 11
The Pit of Maron Natural Cave 13
The Ashwing Cemetery Cemetery 5
The Gondoryan Tunnel Mine 10
Ruins of Castle Copperford Mine 10
Morivaraus Hall Vampire Haunt 8
The Mines of Theodoryan Mine 12
Ruins of Old Evelyrrya's Place Mine 8
The Mordistair Excavation Mine 12
Ruins of The Old Kingston Hovel Volcanic Caves 13
The Moorton Graveyard Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Dispasia Cavern Natural Cave 8
The Buckingwing Burial Ground Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of The Tower of Woodwing Volcanic Caves 8
Ruins of Castle Gaerham Mine 8
The Uthard Mines Mine 12
The Rodoryan Excavation Mine 8
The Copperford Graveyard Forgotten Cemetery 5
The House of Moorham Ruined Castle 11
Ruins of The Citadel of Hawksly Mine 10
Ruins of Tower Coppering Mine 8
The Vermdon Aerie Harpy Nest 8
Ruins of Moorhouse's Hold Mine 11
The Gerinx Hole Volcanic Caves 13
Castle Wickford Volcanic Caves 10
The Citadel of Woodsmith Natural Cave 8
Ruins of Castle Copperham Mine 13
The Asmyulah Cavern Natural Cave 14
Sekthoth Orc Stronghold 10
The Lair of Demither Natural Cave 12
Ruins of Castle Mooring Natural Cave 8
The Cairn of Necromulor Crypt 12
Ruins of The Tower of Gaerford Natural Cave 11
Vojgagon Orc Stronghold 11
The Maelothulla Cavern Natural Cave 8
The Mastersley Graveyard Cemetery 5
The Kingston Graveyard Cemetery 5
Ruins of Woodsley Manor Mine 12
Ruins of Moorhart Court Orc Stronghold 12
Ruins of Old Carolyrrya's Hovel Vampire Haunt 12
The Quarry of Tristastyr Mine 10
Ruins of Old Evelyn's Shack Orc Stronghold 10
Ruins of Greening's Hold Vampire Haunt 10
Woodston's Guard Mine 8
Castle Ashton Volcanic Caves 8
Ruins of Castle Yeomham Mine 8
The Pit of Maelyitherah Volcanic Caves 13
Ruins of The Tower of Ashston Mine 8
The Grotto of Demiblul Natural Cave 14
Yagergod Orc Stronghold 13
Buckingsly Tower Orc Stronghold 8
Ruins of Ashford Manor Natural Cave 13
Ruins of Wickton Manor Natural Cave 10
Ruins of Buckingford Manor Orc Stronghold 8
Ruins of Old Ysona's Farm Natural Cave 12
The Andard Quarry Mine 11
The Citadel of Greenston Orc Stronghold 12
The Masterhouse Graveyard Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Homuninxullah Grotto Natural Cave 8
Castle Copperhart Barbarian Stronghold 13
The Tristywyr Lode Mine 13
The Tower of Wickford Volcanic Caves 12
The Andistair Mines Mine 8
The Quarry of Agrore Mine 8
Ruins of Greenford Palace Laboratory 12
The Tower of Hearthhart Mine 13
Ruins of Masterford Hall Giant Stronghold 8
The Fortress of Hearthfield Vampire Haunt 13
The Citadel of Mastercroft Mine 8
The Cave of Balonunah Natural Cave 8
Ruins of Ashing Manor Natural Cave 11
Ruins of Coppering Manor Crypt 13
Ruins of Tower Hawkfield Natural Cave 13
The Andywyr Tunnel Mine 13
Ruins of Kingston Grange Volcanic Caves 10
Ruins of The Ashham Plantation Natural Cave 12
Ruins of Old Gwynona's Place Mine 12
Ruins of Old Barbabyth's Place Orc Stronghold 10
The Stronghold of Moorfield Orc Stronghold 14
Ruins of Hearthwing Palace Natural Cave 10
The Crypt of Lithingeon Crypt 14
Castle Mastercroft Natural Cave 14
The Edwyval Pit Mine 13
Ruins of Old Chrystanna's Place Mine 11
Ruins of Greenston Hall Crypt 8
The Lair of Homunasiva Volcanic Caves 12
The Lair of Homuneus Volcanic Caves 13
The Stronghold of Hearthcroft Barbarian Stronghold 13
The Lair of Sahanx Natural Cave 8
Ruins of The Old Wickham Shack Mine 8
Ruins of The Tower of Ashing Volcanic Caves 12
The Buckington Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of The Tower of Greensly Natural Cave 8
Ruins of Hawksmith Palace Crypt 12
The Cave of Morkucheus Natural Cave 14
Rattgabith Orc Stronghold 8
Ruins of The Wickhouse Cabin Vampire Haunt 10
The Pit of Geryon Natural Cave 8
Ruins of Copperhouse Manor Orc Stronghold 8
The Mines of Tristynak Mine 11
Ruins of Old Lysyna's Place Orc Stronghold 10
The Morkebrasiah Cavern Natural Cave 8
Ruins of The Mooring Cabin Ruined Castle 13
The Bedistair Mines Mine 14
Ruins of Castle Woodton Mine 8
The Theodane Lode Mine 8
Vojirgoth Giant Stronghold 8
The Hold of Hearthston Mine 8
Castle Moorham Volcanic Caves 12
Ruins of Wickston Orchard Mine 10
Ruins of The Greenhouse Cabin Natural Cave 8
Wicksley's Guard Orc Stronghold 8
THe Crypts of Woodhouse Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ashing's Guard Mine 8
The Bedane Quarry Mine 11
The Nest of Hezrugoth Spider Nest 8
Castle Nebuchezam Vampire Haunt 8
Castle Kinghouse Crypt 10
The Gaerwing Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of Ashham Palace Natural Cave 12
Ruins of Woodton Hall Volcanic Caves 8
The Hold of Kinghart Natural Cave 12
The Fortress of Hawkford Volcanic Caves 10
Ruins of The Hold of Wickfield Barbarian Stronghold 12
Ruins of Woodton Tower Orc Stronghold 13
The Wickfield Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Buckingston Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Hole of Gerithia Volcanic Caves 8
Copperwing's Hold Mine 13
The Tristore Excavation Mine 12
Ruins of Old Belladyna's Shack Natural Cave 8
Tower Hearthton Orc Stronghold 13
Daghoth Orc Stronghold 8
Ruins of Gaerhart Hall Mine 8
Ruins of Hearthham Grange Spider Nest 12
The Greenhart Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Tombs of Moorsly Cemetery 5
Castle Ashston Mine 8
The Gaerhouse Graveyard Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of Buckingsmith Palace Vampire Haunt 8
The Peroryan Mines Mine 8
Ruins of Copperfield Manor Barbarian Stronghold 8
The Graves of Gaering Cemetery 5
Greensly Tower Volcanic Caves 12
Ruins of Gaerhouse Manor Dragon's Den 11
Ruins of Greensley Tower Crypt 8
The Hole of Baalas Volcanic Caves 10
The Quarry of Theodywyr Mine 8
Ruins of The Hawksley Farmstead Ruined Castle 12
The Hold of Greenham Mine 11
The Uthane Excavation Mine 12
Ruins of The Hold of Greenham Crypt 10
The Dispiaminxivah Hole Natural Cave 14
Sekthrac Orc Stronghold 8
Ruins of Masterham Manor Natural Cave 13
Ruins of The Woodsley Farmstead Orc Stronghold 12
Rattudon Orc Stronghold 12
Ruins of The Masterfield Cabin Volcanic Caves 13
The Andistair Excavation Mine 8
The Laboratory of Perore Laboratory 14
The Stronghold of Hearthwing Mine 8
The Tower of Ashton Mine 8
Ruins of Gaerfield Manor Natural Cave 12
Ruins of Kinging's Hold Orc Stronghold 10
The Yeomcroft Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
THe Crypts of Wickwing Cemetery 5
Ruins of Masterton's Guard Laboratory 13
Ruins of The Wicksmith Cabin Natural Cave 8
The Andastyr Mines Mine 8
Ruins of The Hold of Buckingsly Vampire Haunt 8
Ruins of Old Ysorya's Place Natural Cave 13
Ruins of The Citadel of Moorton Orc Stronghold 13
Inverobeon Hall Vampire Haunt 8
The Fortress of Hearthton Mine 8
The Citadel of Hearthwing Mine 12
Ruins of Moorston Hall Harpy Nest 8
The Graves of Masterhart Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Woodsmith Graveyard Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of Wickfield Palace Spider Nest 14
Ruins of The Old Kington Shack Mine 8
The Kingwing Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of Old Elyzyna's Hovel Natural Cave 8
Nordred Orc Stronghold 8
Ruins of Kington Palace Mine 10
Gromrugoth Orc Stronghold 13
The Wickcroft Tombs Cemetery 5
Ruins of The Gaersley Farmstead Natural Cave 10
Ruins of Greensmith Grange Mine 8
Castle Hearthhouse Spider Nest 10
The Hole of Gerither Volcanic Caves 11
Buckingfield's Guard Spider Nest 8
Ruins of The Hold of Greenhart Mine 8
Ruins of Greensley Manor Vampire Haunt 12
The Pit of Maelanxiah Natural Cave 10
Ruins of Hearthhouse's Hold Volcanic Caves 8
The Buckinging Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Copperwing Graveyard Cemetery 5
Ruins of Copperhart Court Mine 11
Ruins of The Woodford Farmstead Orc Stronghold 13
Ruins of Old Evelara's Farm Natural Cave 8
Ruins of Old Belladara's Farm Giant Stronghold 8
The Cave of Demerena Natural Cave 10
Ruins of Old Chrystara's Place Mine 8
The Mines of Andoryan Mine 12
Ruins of The Moorton Farmstead Mine 8
The Tower of Buckingford Mine 13
Ruins of Castle Coppersley Mine 8
Ruins of Old Vannolda's Hovel Coven 10
Buckingwing's Hold Mine 13
The Moorcroft Graveyard Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of Hawkwing Manor Giant Stronghold 12
The Haunt of Darkimyth Vampire Haunt 13
Ruins of Buckingsley Orchard Natural Cave 10
Ruins of Hearthwing Manor Orc Stronghold 10
Ruins of The Old Greenton Shack Crypt 8
The Fortress of Greening Ruined Castle 8
The Moorfield Vaults Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Kingsmith Crypts Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Kingcroft Graveyard Cemetery 5
The Ashsly Burial Ground Forgotten Cemetery 5
Azvor Giant Stronghold 12
Ruins of The Kington Farmstead Vampire Haunt 12
Ruins of The Gaerton Cabin Mine 8
The Hold of Greenford Mine 8
The Edward Excavation Mine 10
Ruins of The Old Gaerwing Place Natural Cave 13
The Andistyr Excavation Mine 8
Anrath Giant Stronghold 10
The Citadel of Hearthfield Mine 8
Ruins of Old Gwynyssa's Hovel Mine 12
The Assembly of Carolyrrya Barbarian Stronghold 13
Ruins of The Old Ashhouse Hovel Crypt 10
The Morkeusessa Hole Natural Cave 13
The Citadel of Moorwing Laboratory 8
The Theodistair Lode Mine 8
Gaersmith's Guard Orc Stronghold 13
The Edwyrick Tunnel Mine 12
The Hearthham Graveyard Forgotten Cemetery 5
Morlas Orc Stronghold 8
The Uthore Tunnel Mine 13
The Pit of Mareria Volcanic Caves 8
Ruins of Wooding Manor Giant Stronghold 14
The Rodyn Lode Mine 12
Ruins of Copperfield Hall Natural Cave 12
The Mastersly Crypts Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of The Copperhouse Cabin Mine 8
Woodhouse Tower Giant Stronghold 8
Ruins of Gaerham Manor Vampire Haunt 12
Ruins of Masterfield Court Vampire Haunt 12
The Stronghold of Copperston Natural Cave 13
Ruins of Greensly Orchard Mine 8
Baalyonunah's Den Dragon's Den 10
The Copperhouse Tombs Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of Woodwing Manor Laboratory 10
The Mordyn Lode Mine 11
Castle Buckingsly Mine 10
Tower Yeoming Volcanic Caves 11
Ruins of Moorton Court Orc Stronghold 10
Ruins of Wickham Orchard Natural Cave 10
Castle Gaersley Orc Stronghold 12
Castle Woodfield Mine 13
The Gaerham Graveyard Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of Gaering Manor Natural Cave 10
The Ashton Vaults Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of Moorsly Tower Volcanic Caves 13
The Buckinghart Graveyard Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Ashston Crypts Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of Mastering Hall Natural Cave 12
The Lair of Baalatanxessa Natural Cave 8
The Copperwing Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Gaerston Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of The Old Gaersley Place Ruined Castle 8
Ruins of Coppersly Palace Coven 12
Greenham's Hold Ruined Castle 13
The Kington Graveyard Cemetery 5
Grumvor Orc Stronghold 12
The Haunt of Lithivan Vampire Haunt 10
The Mordyrick Excavation Mine 10