Map of Desecrated Temples, Scorpion Nests and Giant Strongholds
Name | Type | Dungeon Modules |
The Haunt of Baroghan | Vampire Haunt | 10 |
The Tower of M'ircir | Orc Stronghold | 10 |
The Tower of Nhorc | Ruined Castle | 8 |
The Tower of Ghirtt | Human Stronghold | 8 |
Ruins of Klujte Manor | Orc Stronghold | 8 |
The Hold of V'orer | Orc Stronghold | 8 |
Anrog | Giant Stronghold | 10 |
Ruins of Grill Manor | Desecrated Temple | 13 |
Castle Gurgem | Human Stronghold | 12 |
The Gathrn Academy | Laboratory | 13 |
Ruins of Castle Stullten | Laboratory | 8 |
The Vault of Lithoghar | Crypt | 12 |
Castle Slerp | Desecrated Temple | 10 |
Ruins of The Vloshten Farmstead | Human Stronghold | 12 |
Castle Sterce | Orc Stronghold | 8 |
Ruins of Old Gertsa's Farm | Ruined Castle | 13 |
The Mareusuna Cavern | Natural Cave | 8 |
Ruins of The Krarc Cabin | Giant Stronghold | 8 |
Nharn'kern Hall | Ruined Castle | 12 |
Mairdta's Guard | Coven | 8 |
Vereneon Hall | Vampire Haunt | 12 |
Vermthor | Orc Stronghold | 12 |
Jubululessa Minster | Desecrated Temple | 10 |
Tower Slildem | Giant Stronghold | 12 |
Ruins of The Krerc Farmstead | Desecrated Temple | 8 |
The Web of Vojlath | Scorpion Nest | 10 |
Hezghu | Giant Stronghold | 13 |
Ruins of Old Caarchja's Shack | Scorpion Nest | 10 |
Dherpke's Gaol | Prison | 12 |
The Citadel of M'osom | Orc Stronghold | 10 |
Rar's Hold | Orc Stronghold | 14 |
Castle Lizin | Vampire Haunt | 8 |
The Klortim Crypts | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
The Graves of Sauct | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
Mathim Tower | Desecrated Temple | 8 |
The Stronghold of Shuct | Mine | 8 |
The Balilasivah Manse | Desecrated Temple | 8 |
Sheshe's Guard | Spider Nest | 8 |
The Blisim Academy | Laboratory | 11 |
The T'ildom Cemetery | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
The Tower of Mern | Ruined Castle | 10 |
Ruins of Old Mhoj-i's Hovel | Mine | 10 |
Castle Shrertke | Barbarian Stronghold | 10 |
Ruins of Castle Khell | Barbarian Stronghold | 8 |
The Friary of Dispebranxena | Desecrated Temple | 14 |
The Rollar Cemetery | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
Ruins of The Mhirch Cabin | Spider Nest | 14 |
The Fortress of Stiv | Ruined Castle | 10 |
The Hold of Rlushon | Vampire Haunt | 10 |
Ruins of The Tiston Cabin | Orc Stronghold | 11 |
Ruins of The Caildar Farmstead | Human Stronghold | 12 |
Tower Mhig'kern | Orc Stronghold | 11 |
Krirp's Guard | Human Stronghold | 13 |
The Citadel of Tlellum | Natural Cave | 8 |
Ruins of The V'uch Farmstead | Crypt | 12 |
The Convocation of Krefylta | Barbarian Stronghold | 8 |
The Morgon Web | Scorpion Nest | 8 |
The Stronghold of Charchan | Giant Stronghold | 8 |
Ruins of Old Tleldta's Hovel | Spider Nest | 10 |
The Citadel of Flajum | Ruined Castle | 11 |
The Stronghold of Grer | Desecrated Temple | 12 |
The Nest of Yagdon | Spider Nest | 8 |
Castle F'ughtom | Ruined Castle | 10 |
Ruins of The V'ustte Plantation | Human Stronghold | 12 |
Ruins of The Tlornten Farmstead | Vampire Haunt | 12 |
The Maurhtum Graveyard | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
The Mald Vaults | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
Ruins of The V'arc Plantation | Giant Stronghold | 13 |
Ruins of D'urd's Hold | Desecrated Temple | 8 |
The Citadel of Slact | Desecrated Temple | 14 |
Azraus's Web | Spider Nest | 13 |
The Shuthem Pit | Mine | 14 |
The Vlerch Cemetery | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
Ruins of Des'kern Manor | Ruined Castle | 8 |
The Grave of Necromoghezzar | Crypt | 11 |
Ruins of Blurcar Manor | Barbarian Stronghold | 10 |
Ruins of Castle Krard | Spider Nest | 13 |
Ruins of Dherchan Hall | Giant Stronghold | 11 |
Krurk Laboratory | Laboratory | 8 |
Ruins of The Kharter Cabin | Crypt | 13 |
Ruins of The Khird Farmstead | Coven | 14 |
The Yagloth Nest | Scorpion Nest | 10 |
The Kloctem Graveyard | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
Ruins of Old Tlivca's Hovel | Human Stronghold | 8 |
Vermgoth's Web | Spider Nest | 11 |
The Citadel of T'irge | Laboratory | 8 |
Yaggon | Orc Stronghold | 11 |
The Stronghold of Nhathke | Natural Cave | 13 |
Tower Mejim | Scorpion Nest | 8 |
The Rhirhtim Cemetery | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
The Tower of Baigt | Laboratory | 8 |
Tower Shechun | Orc Stronghold | 14 |
Castle Sesir | Crypt | 12 |
Ruins of Old Cothba's Farm | Vampire Haunt | 10 |
The Fortress of Nashen | Vampire Haunt | 8 |
Ruins of The Follon Plantation | Crypt | 10 |
Druigoth's Web | Spider Nest | 8 |
The Hold of Fluldta | Desecrated Temple | 10 |
Rarpen Tower | Giant Stronghold | 8 |
The Morkiler Rectory | Desecrated Temple | 13 |
The Prison of Fhochen | Prison | 8 |
Ruins of Boestt Court | Ruined Castle | 8 |
Rleshan's Hold | Coven | 12 |
Castle Vlag | Human Stronghold | 13 |
The Tower of Cairchten | Crypt | 8 |
The Vojvor Web | Scorpion Nest | 12 |
Khist's Guard | Crypt | 10 |
Ruins of The Old Shrircin Hovel | Scorpion Nest | 8 |
Ruins of The Old T'ermon Place | Mine | 8 |
Ruins of The Old Vlaghtum Shack | Giant Stronghold | 10 |
Castle Rlirchem | Giant Stronghold | 14 |
Castle Mairg | Spider Nest | 12 |
Sernar Laboratory | Laboratory | 8 |
Castle Cyazam | Vampire Haunt | 12 |
The T'oven Cemetery | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
The Tower of Klirchar | Orc Stronghold | 10 |
The Mufylan Graveyard | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
Ruins of The Citadel of Flelpan | Mine | 13 |
The Gathering of Muzki | Barbarian Stronghold | 8 |
Ruins of The Hold of Best | Spider Nest | 10 |
V'orner Tower | Human Stronghold | 8 |
Ruins of Nogem Court | Spider Nest | 10 |
Ruins of The Old Chighten Shack | Orc Stronghold | 10 |
Sekgod | Orc Stronghold | 13 |
Ruins of The Gluch Farmstead | Crypt | 11 |
Ruins of The Hold of Stast'kern | Coven | 13 |
Ruins of Boijim Manor | Scorpion Nest | 8 |
The Shrine of Asmas | Desecrated Temple | 13 |
Cyeth's Hold | Laboratory | 12 |
Castle Lhorkta | Ruined Castle | 10 |
Tower Bauran | Human Stronghold | 12 |
Ruins of The Old Slectom Shack | Barbarian Stronghold | 14 |
The Raughtte Cemetery | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
Nijem's Hold | Natural Cave | 8 |
The Hold of Slernem | Scorpion Nest | 12 |
The Stronghold of Gharker | Barbarian Stronghold | 8 |
Tower Faire | Giant Stronghold | 8 |
Castle Lheghtrn | Desecrated Temple | 13 |
Dofyle Tower | Ruined Castle | 8 |
Ruins of Kirhte Hall | Human Stronghold | 8 |
The Tower of Slichum | Ruined Castle | 8 |
The Fortress of Rlurpin | Ruined Castle | 12 |
Barivius Hall | Vampire Haunt | 8 |
Ruins of The Old Blufylrn Hovel | Human Stronghold | 13 |
The Fortress of Verpe | Crypt | 10 |
Ruins of Stoshe Manor | Orc Stronghold | 12 |
The D'ost Cemetery | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
Ruins of Fhergke Manor | Vampire Haunt | 13 |
The Citadel of Glarhtke | Spider Nest | 8 |
The Citadel of Vurhtam | Ruined Castle | 8 |
The Fortress of Fhurkten | Prison | 10 |
Shuj Tower | Spider Nest | 13 |
Druthoth | Orc Stronghold | 11 |
Ruins of Kraj Manor | Crypt | 8 |
Ruins of Baertom Hall | Desecrated Temple | 13 |
The Tower of Khothem | Scorpion Nest | 8 |
Trogeten | Giant Stronghold | 10 |
The Viz Pit | Mine | 13 |
Ruins of The Corcir Farmstead | Giant Stronghold | 8 |
Ruins of Old Gort-i's Place | Barbarian Stronghold | 11 |
The Dungeon of Vlorpten | Prison | 8 |
The Lair of Yeker | Scorpion Nest | 8 |
Feshem's Guard | Coven | 13 |
Castle Soctten | Crypt | 12 |
Dhirke's Guard | Mine | 8 |
Skogon's Nest | Scorpion Nest | 12 |
The Fortress of Shircon | Coven | 8 |
Glarmer's Hold | Crypt | 13 |
The Morkilithulla Rectory | Desecrated Temple | 8 |
Castle Khuldte | Giant Stronghold | 8 |
The Fortress of Groctum | Desecrated Temple | 8 |
Tower B'irtur | Ruined Castle | 13 |
The Jubebras Grotto | Natural Cave | 10 |
The Hold of Kirp | Desecrated Temple | 10 |
The Laboratory of Faernt | Laboratory | 13 |
Castle Rhardun | Laboratory | 12 |
The Cult of M'eghtca | Coven | 13 |
The Citadel of Rust | Coven | 8 |
The Pit of Morkulul | Natural Cave | 8 |
Fevar Tower | Giant Stronghold | 12 |
The Citadel of Foldt | Giant Stronghold | 12 |
Ruins of The Old Mhight Place | Prison | 8 |
Castle M'uz | Laboratory | 8 |
The Thulpten Cemetery | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
The Tombs of Ghict | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
THe Crypts of Maagar | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
The Tower of Sliz | Orc Stronghold | 13 |
The Citadel of Lhofyl | Barbarian Stronghold | 8 |
Castle Gishar | Human Stronghold | 8 |
The Citadel of Shalden | Orc Stronghold | 8 |
Cyucht's Guard | Laboratory | 11 |
The Fortress of Slorc | Coven | 8 |
Castle Faortta | Human Stronghold | 12 |
The Gharar Vaults | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
The Shirhte Quarry | Mine | 13 |
Ruins of Boird Hall | Natural Cave | 14 |
Ruins of Kust Hall | Spider Nest | 12 |
Castle Maarmen | Human Stronghold | 8 |
The Stronghold of Sarg | Ruined Castle | 8 |
The Caartke Vaults | Cemetery | 5 |
The Rhulpt Graveyard | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
THe Crypts of Barcum | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
Castle Slufylir | Laboratory | 13 |
Ruins of The Old Rov Hovel | Prison | 8 |
The Citadel of F'ircke | Orc Stronghold | 11 |
Ruins of The Dherkan Plantation | Spider Nest | 12 |
Forhtke's Guard | Desecrated Temple | 13 |
The Gerulas Cloister | Desecrated Temple | 12 |
Tower Fhornta | Vampire Haunt | 12 |
Ruins of Rlochke Orchard | Human Stronghold | 8 |
B'ostur's Guard | Crypt | 10 |
The Khechrn Graveyard | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
The Cabal of Forkki | Coven | 13 |
The Fortress of Tlerchke | Desecrated Temple | 8 |
Tower Baucht | Mine | 8 |
Castle Tlozur | Desecrated Temple | 13 |
Ruins of Terkam Manor | Giant Stronghold | 8 |
The Tomb of Darkivaraus | Crypt | 12 |
Ruins of Rarchrn Palace | Laboratory | 14 |
Ruins of The Tower of Vlovke | Orc Stronghold | 12 |
Ruins of Tovon Manor | Giant Stronghold | 8 |
The Destten Vaults | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
Ruins of The Grusom Plantation | Desecrated Temple | 8 |
The Gathering of C'igtha | Barbarian Stronghold | 11 |
The Citadel of Nhurcta | Spider Nest | 13 |
Lhillam's Hold | Ruined Castle | 13 |
Ruins of Old Fhurti's Shack | Mine | 8 |
Ruins of Castle Gag | Desecrated Temple | 10 |
Castle B'urpen | Scorpion Nest | 8 |
Ruins of The Vig Farmstead | Giant Stronghold | 11 |
The Grolargoth Web | Scorpion Nest | 12 |
Sherne's Hold | Ruined Castle | 8 |
The Cave of Baalex | Natural Cave | 12 |
Ruins of The Grach Plantation | Coven | 12 |
The Shirhter Graveyard | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
Rlirht'kern's Hold | Vampire Haunt | 13 |
Castle Grert | Crypt | 12 |
The Raerman Excavation | Mine | 11 |
Castle Dhizun | Orc Stronghold | 13 |