Name | Type | Dungeon Modules |
Ruins of The Wickton Farmstead | Vampire Haunt | 12 |
Ruins of Copperhouse Grange | Spider Nest | 8 |
The Community of Vannorya | Barbarian Stronghold | 11 |
Tower Gaerton | Desecrated Temple | 13 |
Grumnorath | Orc Stronghold | 12 |
The Circle of Carololda | Barbarian Stronghold | 10 |
Ruins of Old Ysyn's Place | Prison | 13 |
The Gaerwing Cemetery | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
Ruins of Copperhart Hall | Desecrated Temple | 10 |
Ruins of The Woodsly Farmstead | Crypt | 13 |
The Ashsly Cemetery | Cemetery | 5 |