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Castles talk:Inventory

I will separate a few moments:

  • I do not fully understand the meaning of "Quantity" in the tables, as the game does not allow you to make more than 1 item at a time
  • And may someone please also clarify the meaning of "rating", is this like basic minimum damage/performance of the item? If so, does it make sense to add icons? I.e., damage, material production, or related icons that are shown in the game along with the value
  • I also think there need to better formulate the 3 separate sections on staves, as Healing stave seems to be impossible to make, at least for now, and it's purely something that your opponents have in some fights on the map
  • It seems that Accessories have not been implemented in the game yet, someone should also clarify this point
  • If someone can upload material sprites from my archive (or said what tegs and names to use so I do it myself) and make an example of how to use them as icons in Recipe, I can go through and make tables and I'll separate that the game doesn't have sprites for clothes/armor, it's only to use screenshot at the moment, since if I can extract the model, I can't apply the texture, cause the texturing is done past the shaders in game
  • And isn't this might be on "Equipment" page, if deviate from the description on the main page dedicated to the game?

— Maxandkon 12:21, 23 January 2024 (UTC)

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