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< Castles:Rulings
Heart's Day is approaching, dearest. Have anything romantic planned for us?[up]

Min. Recurrence Time: 1 day
Currency: Gold Only > 100 (levels 21-25)
Currency: Gold Only > 200 (levels 26-43)
Currency: Gold Only > 300 (levels 44-100)
Currency: Gold Only > 400 (levels 101-160)
Currency: Gold Only > 500 (levels 161-185)
Currency: Gold Only > 600 (levels >= 186)
Dynasty Level >= 21
Ruling Requester Any of: relationship to Ruler is Spouse
Ruling Requester All of: relationship to Ruler is not Enemy
Random Weight: 15

Heart's Day is just a festival invented by merchants!
I have prepared an expensive surprise just for you.
I know of a great inn, not far from here, I'm sure you'll love it!

Ruler Subject Ruling Flags: InnOpen

An evening by the lake with a bottle of wine and those sweet rolls we like.