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< Castles
The quest selection screen

This is a list of quests that can be done from the War Table:

Quests by MapsEdit

Quests icon

Map 1Edit

  1. The Outlaw's Forest
  2. The Pirate's Grove
  3. Quarry Road
  4. The Marauder's Woodlands
  5. The Villain's Bosk
  6. The Bandit Bastion
  7. The Secluded Caves
  8. The Mysterious Cavern
  9. The Esoteric Den
  10. The Underground Subterrane
  11. The Chaos Grotto
  12. The Shaman Dungeon
  13. The Primal Grove
  14. The Old Bosk
  15. The Archaic Forest
  16. The Primordial Grove
  17. The Pristine Woods
  18. The Earth Mother Ruins
  19. The Primitive Grotto
  20. The Archaic Cavern
  21. The Primordial Den
  22. The Old Caves
  23. The Primal Subterrane
  24. The Pristine Cavern
  25. Burrows of the Burning Queen

Map 2Edit

26. The Eerie Woodlands
27. The Ghastly Grove
28. The Spectral Forest
29. The Shadowy Woods
30. The Vampiric Bosk
31. The Ghostly Ruins
32. The Spectral Caves
33. The Ghastly Den
34. The Eerie Subterrane
35. The Shadowy Grotto
36. The Vampiric Caverns
37. The Haunted Ruins
38. The Sorcerer's Bosk
39. The Witch's Grove
40. The Warlock's Woodlands
41. The Shaman's Woods
42. The Enchanter's Grove
43. The Mage's Dungeon
44. The Warlock's Cave
45. The Sorcerer's Subterrane
46. The Witch's Caverns
47. The Mage's Grotto
48. The Elementalist's Caves
49. The Mystic Cavern
50. The Dragon Claw Maze

Map 3Edit

51. The Demonic Forest
52. The Savage Bosk
53. The Fierce Grove
54. The Primal Woods
55. The Blazing Woodlands
56. The Troll's Gauntlet
57. The Savage Cave
58. The Fierce Den
59. The Demonic Grotto
60. The Primal Cavern
61. The Primeval Subterrane
62. The Buried Delves
63. The Ghostly Woods
64. The Haunted Woodlands
65. The Spectral Grove
66. The Supernatural Bosk
67. The Fiendish Forest
68. The Infinite Tomb
69. The Ghostly Cave
70. The Possessed Grotto
71. The Fiendish Den
72. The Haunted Subterrane
73. The Undead Cavern
74. The Hollow Burrows
75. The Thundering Vault

Map 4Edit

76. The Thunderous Groves
77. The Roaring Woods
78. The Booming Forest
79. The Discharging Woodlands
80. The Blasting Bosk
81. The Emerald Chambers
82. The Prehistoric Caves
83. The Hidden Grotto
84. The Rudimentary Subterrane
85. The Primordial Cavern
86. The Lost Grotto
87. The Arcane Catacombs
88. The Rough Bosk
89. The Crude Woods
90. The Uncultivated Woodlands
91. The Bestial Grove
92. The Primordial Forest
93. The Nightmare Pits
94. The Hidden Cavern
95. The Wandering Den
96. The Buried Grotto
97. The Concealed Caves
98. The Mysterious Subterrane
99. The Shrouded Cavern
100. Chambers of the Fallen Emperor

Map 5Edit

101. The Discharging Forest
102. The Prehistoric Woods
103. The Esoteric Woodlands
104. The Secluded Grove
105. The Booming Bosk
106. The Secluded Bastion
107. The Spectral Cavern
108. The Blasting Grotto
109. The Arcane Caves
110. The Hollow Subterrane
111. The Underground Den
112. The Primal Burrows
113. The Thundering Grove
114. The Old Forest
115. The Primitive Woodlands
116. The Infinite Woodlands
117. The Ghastly Bosk
118. The Mysterious Chambers
119. The Undead Grotto
120. The Roaring Subterrane
121. The Rudimentary Grotto
122. The Archaic Grotto
123. The Primeval Cavern
124. The Vampiric Grotto
125. The Frozen Chambers

Map 6Edit

126. The Supernatural Forest
127. The Primordial Woodlands
128. The Thunderous Woods
129. The Secluded Bosk
130. The Mysterious Forest
131. The Demonic Dungeon
132. The Arcane Subterrane
134. The Buried Cavern
135. The Vampiric Caves
136. The Spectral Den
137. The Esoteric Bosk
138. The Wandering Woodlands
139. The Uncultivated Woods
140. The Spectral Bosk
141. The Pristine Grove
142. The Arcane Forest
143. The Spectral Dungeon
144. The Booming Caves
145. The Supernatural Subterrane
146. The Bestial Cavern
147. The Secluded Grotto
148. The Roaring Den
149. The Fiendish Grotto
150. The Rudimentary Chambers

Map 7Edit

151. The Esoteric Woods
152. The Archaic Woodlands
153. The Chaos Grove
154. The Thunderous Forest
155. The Blasting Woods
156. The Roaring Dungeon
157. The Thundering Den
158. The Nightmare Cavern
159. The Supernatural Cavern
160. The Lost Cavern
161. The Bestial Grotto
162. The Ashen Burrows
163. The Primordial Forest
164. The Buried Woods
165. The Uncultivated Bosk
166. The Shadowy Woods
167. The Ghostly Bosk
168. The Archaic Bastion
169. The Secluded Subterrane
170. The Bestial Caves
171. The Hidden Subterrane
172. The Old Cavern
173. The Hollow Cavern
174. The Spectral Grotto
175. The Moonlit Chambers

See AlsoEdit