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ecrets Behind Blood & Mud
Blood & Mud was finished as Blood&Mud I - Bravil Scum on 5th of May in four days after the previous version was not playable with existing save games.
It included:
Alyshia&Sylvia (preformed by Sandra Waris & Lessian Cainesir),
Riia (Sophie Hermanns)
Marwen (Bjorn Maschmeier),
Ma Syd Jun (Ryan O.Hershey),
Ygor & Sayjiid (Wolfgang Lennart Prokoph).
King Ardan (Simon Phoenix)
At this time not all interiors were intended, it would apply a small change to Bravil, a small quest and leave enough room for other modders or players.
Because of his Morrowind experiences Ryan used to say to the voice-actors: If we get 500 Downloads, we can be very happy and should we get 1000 then we can start thinking about a second part.
On the first day of release Blood&Mud had 750 downloads, on the second over 1000 and in the upcoming weeks over 5000 still rising, before released on all four major German forums on the net.
For a second part, there was no quest-line and no character ideas. Blood&Mud was simply not intended to have a second part, but because of the tremendous player feedback and the pushing voice-actors Blood&Mud II - Bloodscripts was developed.
Sandra Guetting was pulled by her boyfriend Bjorn Maschmeier to the project and both spoke nearly all Bravilian characters:
Yana, Nanya, Melyssa (Sandra Guetting),
Ansol, Torro, Ordan (Bjorn Maschmeier),
Oron (Wolfgang Lennart Prokoph)
Ranzan Jun (Sandra Waris)
Benjamin "Septic" Gore gave Blood&Mud an internet-home and joined in for supporting the player-questions on the net.
After done Bloodscripts to finish the series with a third part was quite logical. The PCAction jumped in what was the only Game-Magazine ever interested in Blood&Mud and released it so far on five prints asked for a special magazine-version.
With the intention of releasing two versions of Blood&Mud and having an editorial deadline, Ryan asked some of Germany's Top-Modders to give a little distribution of their art to the players of the Blood&Mud series. Septic and Ryan had answered by this time over 5000 PMs, forum-posts and mails, so Trial was intended to focus more onto the quest and just finishing Bravil.
Whelp (Dunkelwasser aka Dark-Water), Lazarus (Warcry), Damian Mantis (Weapon Set), Thunderbird (Artefacts of the Ancestors) and Jounk (Runes&Stones) came along and brought little gifts to Blood&Mud players.
Trial was released on November 17th in the net and came with a special magazine-version on November 21st and a huge voice-acting content:
Ma Syd Jun & Andrion (Ryan O.Hershey)
King Ardan (Simon Phoenix)
Nuun (Lessian Cainesir)
Jafiir (Wolfgang Lennart Prokoph)
RuunPriest & Andria & Jainy (Sandra Guetting)
Herold & Guards (Bjorn Maschmeier)
Female Guards (Sophie Hermanns)
Aina & Castle Women (Sandra Waris)
So Blood&Mud was done: 220 MB full of special content
In the end of November Ryan said "goodbye" to the German community to retire from modding. Two weeks later someone requested onto Bethesdas Game-Site a translation of an "awesome german mod" - And Blood&Mud was going to become English.
In January all three mods were released as a pack named: Blood&Mud Dirt Deluxe The last work-over before the translation.
By this time, Blood&Mud was downloaded over 50.000 times from the net and released on eight magazines while over 7500 PMs, forum-posts and mails were answered. And all rising.
Blood&Mud Dirt Deluxe Anglais
For Blood&Mud Dirt Deluxe Anglais DWS came onboard to help in translating the huge amount of characters while Gorkon who already did the B&M-Trial-EV-Fix so that Blood&Mud was playable with the English version for German players to change the final ESP from German to English.
Three more voice actors moved in: Paulo Simons, Luthien Elensar and Janine Dalisda
With that fresh staff and the release of Tales from the Realm of Ruun - Quest Mod in the back (and the great critics given from Game-Magazines) the work on the English Version of Blood&Mud started on the 1st of May.
Voice Actors
Alyshia & Silvia (Sandra Guetting)
Melyssa (Luthien Elensar)
Aina (Sandra Waris)
Yana (Luthien Elensar)
JainyTessaly (JanineDalisda)
Ranzan Jun (Sandra Guetting)
Nanya (Luthien Elensar)
Highpriest (Sophie Hermanns)
Nanya (Sandra Guetting)
Nuun (Lessian Cainesir)
Oron (Wolfgang Lennart Prokoph)
Ansol (BjornMaschmeier)
Ygor (RyanO.Hershey)
Sayjiid (Wolfgang Lennart Prokoph)
Jafiir (RyanO.Hershey)
Marwen (BjornMaschmeier)
Torro (Paulo Simons)
Ordan (BjornMaschmeir)
MaSydJun (RyanO.Hershey)
Dialogs, Quests, Level Design, Scripts, Music, AI et cetera: Ryan O.Hershey
Did you know?
If you pull down Marwen's hood you will see Micky Rourke from Sin City.
MaSydJun is a blend of the trader from Resident Evil 4 and Wato from Star Wars.
Melyssa and Torro perform a Sin City dialog every Tuesday and Thursday in Melyssa's house.
If you look in the Dictionary of Ruun you can translate Rammstein Songs.
Ranzan Jun is the reason why Nirnroot is so rare. Check out her basement.
If you change your race to Argonian or Kaijit at Jafir's he has different dialog lines.
If you change your sex Captain Ansol talks differently to you.
'It's a stake un-taken' was translated from "Es ist wieder ein Pfahl frei"
The eldest known Blood&Mud player is 69 years old
The youngest known MaSydJun fan is 8 years old. His favourite word is "Sire".
The average age of Blood&Mud players is 25
The whistling skull was/is used as a cellphone melody
The quests of Blood&Mud were played as table-top roleplaying games
Ryan insists that every Blood&Mud mod was first released on PlanetOblivion and the Download-Section had to be done by Moderator: Bretone
That Blood&Mud was hosted as a quest-mod was a mistake because there was no "city or landscaping" download category on PlanetOblivion. Ryan still insists that it is a city mod.
That behind Blood&Mud stands a modding-team was a rumour started by Katan of TheElderScrolls.Info when he introduced the mod Blood&Mud with the credit: 'Ryan and team', meaning the voice actors.
Blood&Mud was printed on 11 Million DVDs.
Blood&Mud was the only Oblivion mod that appeared in a "Killer-Game" magazine-print because of its dangerous name.
You are the reason why we have done Blood&Mud. Thank you so much, we had a great time creating it for you.