Quick WalkthroughEdit
Note: This quest does not appear in your journal.
- Talk to Lanz gro-Ghra.
- Talk to the tenants.
- Return to Lanz for your reward.
Detailed WalkthroughEdit
Talk to LanzEdit
Talk to Lanz and ask him about his situation: "I've got one tenant that won't stop crying in her sleep, I've got another one that weirds me out, and one that won't stop drinking his rent money every day."
At this point, you should offer to help him, which he'll happily accept: "Help? You want to help me? Fine, yeah, I know how you can help. Convince my damn tenants to pay their rent, and I'll give you a quarter of what they owe me. They're Cassus, Mina and Denwin."
Talk to the TenantsEdit
All you need to do is find each of the tenants and remind them that they own Lanz money. There's no persuasion or strong-arming involved. Their responses vary:
- Cassus: "Yes! No! I need money for hats, not for gro-Ghra. Lots of big hats to keep the sun from my eyes. From your eyes too! Wait, gro-Ghra is big... oh no no no, mustn't anger gro-Ghra! No skooma this week... Must pay gro-Ghra... You're a good friend, lend me two septims for gro-Ghra?"
- Denwin: "The natural order of the world shall be maintained. With payments made, the disturbances cease, and the blood may flow."
- Old Mina: "Yes... yes, you're right of course. I mustn't forget to pay or I'll have nowhere to live. Samuel used to provide money for me..."
Return to LanzEdit
When you successfully convince all three to pay up, return to Lanz and tell him. He'll thank you and pay you: "Well I'll be damned, finally, a useful person in this rat hole of a city! Here, a quarter of what they owed me, as promised." Unfortunately for you, the Flophouse is a low-rent building - your reward is a measly 3 gold.