- Crimson Helm
- Flying Wolf
- Gold Guard
- King's Bird
- Queen's Jug
- Red Dragon
- Red Goblin
- Restless Sword
- Screaming Dungeon
- Thirsty Chasm
- Unfortunate Giants
- Brotherhood of Justice
- Brotherhood of Seth
- Brotherhood of Temperance
- Conclave of Faith
- Conclave of Riana
- Conclave of Solitude
- Order of the Gentle Hand
- Order of the One Prophet
- <random>'s Professional Sundries
- Elite Weaponry Store
- New Equipment Store
- Rare Sundries
- Rare Weaponry Store
- <random>'s Gear Store
- The Adventurer's Gear Store
- The Practical Provisions
- The Practical Supply Store
- The Wyrm's Armaments
- <random>'s Professional Gear Store
- <random>'s Quality Armaments