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Tamriel Rebuilt:Foedus Locutius

< Mod / Morrowind: Tamriel Rebuilt: People
Foedus Locutius (TR_m3_Foedus Locutius)
Home City Old Ebonheart
Location Fighters Guild
Race Imperial Gender Male
Level 19 Class Warrior
Other Information
Health 205 Magicka 108
Alarm 100 Fight 30
Faction(s) Fighters Guild 6(Warder)
Foedus Locutius

Foedus Locutius is an Imperial warrior and a Warder of the Fighters Guild.

While pursuing reports of a witch in Git, the normally softly-spoken Foedus came under the influence of a curse that causes him to always speak foully. He comes from an Imperial family that brew a special kind of liquor, called 'Locutius Family Liquor', and will give it as a reward for freeing him of his curse.

As a Warder of the Fighters Guild answering to the Champion Sharnoga gra-Mal, Foedus finds himself dealing with the less-interesting contracts - and a particular bugbear of his are the frequent letters from the deteriorating mind of Aurelia Draconis. The disposition boost you receive from ending those letters is substantial, as is his payment.

Starts QuestsEdit

Fighters GuildEdit