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Skyrim:Juniper Berries

< Skyrim: Alchemy / Items: Ingredients(Redirected from Skyrim:Juniper)
Juniper Berries
Juniper Berries
Value 1 Weight 0.1
Alchemy Effects
1st Weakness to Fire Weakness to Fire
2nd Fortify Marksman Fortify Marksman
3rd Regenerate Health Regenerate Health
4th Damage Stamina Regen Damage Stamina Regen
# Samples 43
Plant Juniper
# Plants 1030
Garden HF 4
Merchant Avail. Common
Juniper plant

Juniper Berries are small greenish white berries harvested from juniper, which is a small tree found growing in the Reach.

Although the player cannot use juniper berries in cooking, they are used in baking the juniper berry crostataHF. NPCs mention uses such as mixing berries into mead to add extra flavor. As a result, juniper berries are also categorized as raw food, meaning they can be sold to innkeepers as well as apothecary merchants.



43 guaranteed samples can be found in 27 different locations. Locations with multiple samples are:

It is categorized as a common ingredient, meaning that all apothecary merchants have a 36% chance of carrying 1-5 samples. In addition, it may be randomly found in some barrels and in apothecary's satchels.


1030 juniper plants can be found in 63 different locations. Locations with the greatest numbers are:

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