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General:Foul Murder

< General: Unofficial Lore
Book Information
Source: Bethesda Softworks Forums
Archived Link: The Imperial Library

Web Archive

Writer(s): Michael Kirkbride
Publication Date: 01 May 2012
Foul Murder
An account of Nerevar's betrayal by the Tribunal

This was originally posted in the same thread as What My Beloved Taught Me, both on the tenth anniversary of the release of The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. The illustration was originally commisioned by Flanigus. In the original post, the illustration was hyperlinked in the body text.

"But the Tribunal had become as greedy as Kagrenac upon hearing of the power of the Heart and they coveted it. They made ritual as if to summon Azura as Nerevar wanted but Almalexia used poisoned candles and Sotha Sil used poisoned robes and Vivec used poisoned invocations. Nerevar was murdered."

GEN-misc-Foul Murder.png