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General:Emil Pagliarulo

< General: Developers
Emil Pagliarulo
Emil Pagliarulo
Role(s) Designer, Writer

Emil Pagliarulo is the Lead Game Designer at Bethesda Game Studios, with credits on The Elder Scrolls, Fallout, and Starfield. Emil was a fan of The Elder Scrolls from the start, having played Arena, Daggerfall, and Redguard. His tenure at the company began in November 2002 and continues to present day.

Before joining Bethesda, Pagliarulo worked for Eidos on the Thief series.


Known ContributionsEdit

  • Bloodmoon — Emil created many of the side quests, including the encounter with Uncle Sweetshare.
  • Oblivion — Emil authored the Dark Brotherhood questline.
  • Shivering Isles — Emil provided voice acting for the the male Dark Seducers.
  • Skyrim — Emil designed the Dark Brotherhood questline, made design contributions to the Main Quest, and designed the Blood on the Ice side quest. He also helped design the overall setting, factions, and cities featured in the game. He authored the lyrics used in the game's main theme music, and a great deal of the Dragon Language. The lockpicking minigame was also his design, a holdover from Fallout 3.
  • Dawnguard — Emil suggested the idea of the Prophecy of the Sun, and the earth forever becoming entombed in darkness.

Texts AuthoredEdit

This list is non-exhaustive and includes only texts which have been confirmed to be written, fully or partially, by Pagliarulo.




